
Out of context: Reply #24050

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  • hobgoblin3

    A few months ago I remember people from my area were going ballistic over a new proposed rail line in close proximity to their homes. Facebook, twitter, signs all around town to vote against the proposed rail.

    Fast-forward to yesterday and today: I'm now seeing "Why the Dakota Pipeline will be the safest in history" and "This will create so many jobs!" by the same people.

    It's funny, when something is being proposed in their backyard it's "Think of the environment, think of the implications, think of the possibility of 'what if' something should go wrong..."

    When something as equally, or arguably more devastating and destructive to the environment but it's in someone else's backyard it's "Think of the jobs this will create!"

    I couldn't be more disgusted in people right now.

    Oh, and the kicker is I also saw a HUGE round of applause for the Obama administration brining legislation to ban Horse soaring and today Trump puts the legislation on hold. Why? I doubt there's any money to be made by Trump and his cronies. Fucking crickets from the stupid. Not a damn one of them saying jack-shit about their lord and savior Trump sending the legislation back. You fuckers will get what you deserve.

    • I upvoted in spite of Horse soaring. Whatever that means, I agree utterly.allthethings
    • He's agreeing with himselfset
    • and upvoting himselfset
    • I didn't know what it was either. Some stupid thing shitty horse people do to their horses to train them to walk different.hobgoblin

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