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  • ********

    I think some of you fine folks here on QBN might be interested in a part time job working for Hillary. The pay looks good considering a few hours a week.

    • uh, where's the pay? I just see dollars and not even, necessarily, dollars the Clintons spent. Her husband makes $2million/yr.formed
    • internet meme text is a great start to a political argument.inteliboy
    • if it's on a meme, it must be true.dorf
    • +1
    • Wow, she sounds like a better businessman than Trump! Give her the presidency!nb
  • ********

    • +1
    • humorously they actually gave a nod to Jill Stein. Even the writers know the 2-party system is fucked.
  • yurimon-3



    for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes

  • ********

    ...Hillary Clinton has become the party in promoting wars that kill more black and brown people..... they support politics of fear. voting your fears and not your values.

    • +1
    • Fuck Hillary Clinton
    • nicely articulated. i'm not sure how factual this is but it def causes even MORE fear
    • +1000renderedred
    • semi delusional trufyismyurimon
  • ********

  • ********

    “Wednesday Hillary Clinton Is DONE!” Claims Julian Assange’s Statement, This Will End Her...

    "The Founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, could reveal the anticipated “October surprise” we’ve all become familiar with much earlier than expected. Julian Assange is scheduled to make an announcement on Wednesday from his balcony. Hillary probably has a bad feeling about his, for sure."


    • Probably for sure.monospaced
    • < is J a model for the Land's End catalogue?Gnash
    • in Ecuador you are not put into padded cells, padded cells are put on you.yurimon
    • Event canceled.monospaced
    • it seems like they've been threatening to release the 'hillary killer' for years nowGnash
    • LOL. Didn't they say that a few months back?BusterBoy
    • the hacked emails was just a few months ago when we learned Hillary was underfucking Bernie at the DNC
  • utopian2

    Sanders: Trump's taxes prove system rigged, slams Trump over NYT report on taxes.

    • The guy took business risks, you never worked a day in your life, 1991-6 economy created losses for him, legal tax deductions for losses. sheeple are dumb, /endyurimon
    • ^ the irony's wild!face_melter
    • ^ the irony is all yours, thanks but no thanksyurimon
    • haha yuri... what are you on about - all scumbags like him avoid taxes - nothing to do with downturn in economy - plus they all got richer from that -fadein11
    • especially property tycoons like him.fadein11
    • "took business risks" - PMSL.fadein11
    • i dont think you know how taxes, business works, if you profit, you pay taxes unless legally otherwise, you loose $ you dont pay. easy. of course he couldyurimon
    • afford better accountants and strategically take advantage of legal means to decrease his burden. its not a moral argument considering what is really evil.yurimon
    • thanks for explaining tax law to me. i don't think you understand the extent to which scumbags like him avoid tax - wasn't a complicated point being made.fadein11
    • he lost money in the real estate bust of 1991-1995, lol. plus you dont understand the moral argument of paying taxesyurimon
    • same argument if a slave wasnt motivated to work hard in the cotton fields and other slaves accuse him of not working his lack of interest for slavery.yurimon
    • If it's such a great thing, why is he refusing to release taxes?yuekit
    • exactamundo - quite literally the million dollar question.fadein11
    • yuri - what real estate bust in 91-95? prices levelled off then - the crash happened after the banking crisis in 98.fadein11
    • look it up. it was a great time buy. especially those areas now gentrified.yurimon
    • i wouldnt release my taxes if im audited, under advise of good lawyers. If they say no, i wouldnt do it.yurimon
    • sorry my mistake - wrong decade lolfadein11
    • coincidentally they couldn't get the years he profited and paid taxes.yurimon
    • First candidate in 50 years not to release taxes...and he's supposed to be running against corruption?yuekit
    • Lawyers advice should pale in comparison with public's right to know about conflicts of interest etcyuekit
  • inteliboy-3

    • Wake up white people!utopian
    • I'll respect that this country still gives freedom to religion. However, they're calling out Hillary's exploitation of women to get their vote.
    • you really gotta read between the lines on this one.
    • Waaaaaaaaaake up white sheeple!Ramanisky2
  • ********

    everything about politics brings fear. everything. I need facts.

    • ok, a bit too sensational
    • Ask yuri - he can fact you 'til you fart.face_melter
  • ********

    Florida’s solar amendment designed to mislead voters.


    • some people suck hard
    • people need to make the intelligent choice.
    • but i still favor a future using solar energy
    • sounds like a good plan. why should solar power be subsidized by the many and poor for the rich and few who can afford the infrastructure for profit
    • for once self interested protectionism is actual serving the best interests
    • because the people are trying to get shit done. misleading people is not the way to accomplish shit. don't you think? you like misled?
    • *being misled? lol.
    • deathboy, i don't think the entire solar power has to be subsidized. I think the gov't can partake in the plan since it has good resources of space and money
    • government investing into itself for things like self driving cars nationwide powered by solar sounds great.
    • since1979 im not sure about the misleading. Not my state and not familiar with how they are being sold
    • just commenting on the actual policy. I did miss that they didnt open possibility for other people to sell direct. but i can see why a gov monopoly might have
    • issue with that. much like cabbie monopolies vs uber. different playing rules create uncompetitive advantages. if they allowed it
    • they might have to forego profit controls on the regulated power companies. who knows what happens by what rule makers. could be good or bad
    • naw gov should not be involved. space can be purchased privately and if its a good thing people will private invest
    • and self driving cars and solar panel sounds great but at what cost? and to whom? personally they dont sound great to me and i would spend a dime
    • well maybe on solar panels if the infrastructure cost was an investment that would yield savings and was affordable withotu any subsidization bubbles
  • CygnusZero44
    • He's been behind the entire time just like Romney was in 2012. But people will still claim it was "rigged" if he loses.yuekit
    • Lol rigged. Sore fucking losers.CygnusZero4
    • Fox News has her at a 76% chance of winning right now, about a month out.CygnusZero4
    • Fox News FB page is super anti-hillary and pro-trump for some reason.CygnusZero4
    • You really can't expect the "rigged" conspiracy theorists to understand numbers and probability.mg33
    • Too bad this two party system has "evil" written on both outcomes.
    • ohh omg ...
      and yet, you only attack Hillary.
    • ramanisky, shall i echo and engage in the same name calling from dozens of already existing Hillary supporters on QBN?
    • is the monopoly of the nation's corruptive media not enough for you either? that I need to echo their purchased lies?
    • Trump isn't so complex. A guy who hasn't a political background, whose supporters have been fucked by the system, and talks lots of smack.
    • born with money, isolated in the same loopholes that every rich company like Apple was provided.
    • talks like chuck norris, and clint eastwood with the same womanizing clout of bruce wayne.
    • Hillary's polished politics is like the reality of Skynet being discovered for the first time. Surfacing her corruptive evil lies.
    • and is much more complex. those hacked emails proved dozens of lies from DNC to Benghazi. Otherwise today, you would be completely clueless to who she was.
    • lol @ purchased lies, c'mon, this is going down to the local small-town paper that certainly isn't being bought, in hundreds of cities across every statemonospaced
    • "Hillary's polished politics is like the reality of Skynet being discovered for the first time."
  • chukkaphob2

    • omg, can't vote for her now. she reads books, looks normal, and is obvi throwing up mad gang signs.kona
    • ...you left out that she commits war crimes, lies, sleeps in the same bed with corrupt wall street, and is beyond power hungry. Small details. LOL!chukkaphob
    • She got an A+ on her report card. Let's give the criminal the presidency.
    • haha, are you making fun of her because she was good in school?monospaced
    • Nobody is making fun of her. Haha! You and kona love her are seeing something that should be made fun of, apparently. All in your minds! LOLchukkaphob
    • love her? no... I never said anything to give that impression ... It just seemed like omg's comment about her A+ report card implied that wasn't relevant.monospaced
    • I mean, your mind seems made up that she's a criminal. Saying I love her is as moronic as me saying you're a trump lover, because that would be fucking dumb.monospaced
    • mono, if her list of questionable crimes was 1 or 2.... i might consider the notion that Hillary should be your spirit animal as you want her to be.
    • however, the subject of the matter was her intelligence from reading books. metaphorically speaking, it's an A+ on a report card.
    • Can you put 1 and 1 together to see its relevancy? Real smart people also read between the lines.
    • I didn't say she wasn't a criminal. I was just asking if he was making fun of her being a good student, as if being a criminal somehow negated that qualificatiomonospaced
    • I didn't realize that the A+ reference was purely metaphorical. I can certainly put two and two together to see the "relevance," if there was one.monospaced
    • She is unfit; Trump is unfit; the 2 will be fine; the rest of us will pay the price the next 4 years for not managing to elect real presidential candidates.chukkaphob
    • Wish we could take the next 4 years off from having a president. Haha!chukkaphob
    • hahamonospaced
    • I just can't stand the sandals she's wearing! That's why I posted this photo. Hahaha!chukkaphob
    • In the least I can support these pants.
    • Birkenstocks are a war crime then. ;)monospaced
  • ********

    Failed Colombian peace deal raises question: What is U.S. $400 million for?


    • this is waste. wonders if its just legacy spending from days past with drug cartels. like a picked up media budget and ad from the year before
    • watching narcos just makes me think all they needed to do was accept that people wanted cocaine and legalize it to deal with the issue
  • Ramanisky24

    • Hillary's death, lies and destruction will reign over the world
    • Ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • I think I dislike this weasel even more than Trump.fadein11
    • Dinkins tried, but Giuliani was the one that clean up New York. If you remember the crime and poverty that NYC once had before.
    • Ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • stop and frisk worked unfortunately
    • I'm not trying to get into a fight over who's right, but that is highly debated, terry, and the conclusion was not quite thatmonospaced
    • Yeth! Only thix more weekth.BusterBoy
    • a fight? we can have a civil discussion if you would like
    • though that conversation always turns into a chicken or the egg type of thing
    • I know a lot of NYPD cops and they say stop and frisk was ineffective.monospaced
    • yeah, they go after the hood rat low baggy pants types.yurimon
    • Stop-and-frisk only became an issue in the 2016 presidential election
    • i hated it and was frisked once. only because I looked at the cops and was curious.
    • my experience informed me that they were only doing it to make people feel safe.
    • however it was probably a different story for black and brown people.
    • it wasn't only an issue in 2016, omg... if you talk to any NYPD cops, you'd know it was an issue for years and came to an end in 2016 as unconstitutionalmonospaced
    • and yes, it wasn't just probably a different story for black/brown people, it was a fucking nightmare for a lot of them.monospaced
    • they encouraged police to get arrests because it helps in revenue somehow. keep the revolving door of the courts going.yurimon
    • they sure did, yuri, and since you actually know about this, you'd know how out of their way they went to make sure that happened, even if they found NOTHINGmonospaced
    • and since you live here, and keep up with the truth it seems, you'd know that crime rates dropped many reasons and didn't correlate directly with stop and friskmonospaced
    • why did the crime rates drop mono
  • ********

    Berta Caceres- Environmental Activist called out Hillary, knew her name was on the top of her assassination list. Later this year, she was shot dead.

    • can you post some evidence of this assassination list?lowimpakt
    • “The issue of sufficient proof will be decided by the judge but what can be said is that it is overwhelming, scientific and irrefutable, that is to say that....
    • ... there is no doubt,”

      Read more at http://indiancountry…
    • ^
      “[W]hat I can tell you is that [Cáceres] was killed due to her work,”
  • instrmntl2

    The Choice 2016 (full film) | FRONTLINE
    Published on Sep 27, 2016

    The dueling stories of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as they battle for the presidency.

    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two of the most polarizing presidential candidates in modern history. Veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk goes beyond the headlines to investigate what has shaped these two candidates, where they came from, how they lead and why they want one of the most difficult jobs imaginable.

    • 2 party focus... any mentions of Hillary Clinton wanting to start a war with Russia. A nuclear armed power?
    • Best news magazine show on TV.wagshaft
  • chukkaphob1

    Hillary Clinton considered drone attack on Julian Assange - report:


    The teased leak, dubbed an “October Surprise” is thought to be damaging for Clinton before the presidential elections in November.

    The announcement will now be made at Wikileaks’ 10-year anniversary celebration in Berlin on Tuesday. Assange will address the event via video leak.

    • was her quote on that verified as real? also, that scheduled announcement was canceledmonospaced
    • "The announcement will now be made at Wikileaks’ 10-year anniversary celebration in Berlin on Tuesday. Assange will address the event via video leak."chukkaphob
    • national enquirer. she also has sars. and did 9/11.CygnusZero4
    • @CygnusZero4 still believes in Santa. Cause, you know, whatever the mainstream tells him, that's the truth.chukkaphob
    • He should be scared. Playing power games like this will cost him someday. He's clearly got an agenda, which should place skepticism on anything he saysformed
    • haha who doesnt have an agenda in politics
    • You guys really think the U.S. would fire a drone in the middle of London?reanimate
    • They do!monospaced
    • the comments on that article are pure, bollock-brained, gold.face_melter
    • oh boy.
    • RT is a the english language Russian propaganda arm. Take all "news" from them with large does of salt.wagshaft
    • LOL. Of all the people she'd like to drone I seriously doubt he's the one who keeps her up at night. His ego is yuge.monkeyshine
    • “Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked. She asks for killing and murder like it was a condiment for your hash brown and eggs.
    • the people in the room with Clinton on November 23, 2010 laughed at her comment, until it became clear that the then-secretary of state was serious.
    • Assange shouldn't be playing politics. It makes Wikileaks look like a propaganda machine. Which it clearly is now.formed
    • Propaganda for what?chukkaphob
    • are we just assuming the unconfirmed source is correct that she actually said this? I'm not defending this, I just want to know if it's even a factmonospaced
    • supposedly we'll find out tomorrow if it's true or notchukkaphob
    • Strangest thing about this announcement is how Assange had to initially cancel due to assassination threat...IRNlun6
    • ... and no one bats an eye like it's a completely plausible idea. Strange times.IRNlun6
    • No way in hell any of that is made up. Not the quote, not the onion-esque style writing, and certainly not the death threat.monospaced
    • So fucking stupid. Who in their right mind would think she would seriously entertain sending a drone to get Assange. LOLzBusterBoy
    • If this is Wikileaks "Clinton's finished" moment...hilarious.BusterBoy
    • this was before he was trapped in the embassy - when he was a free man leaking shit that pissed her off. so no drone strike on london - wait for him to have afadein11
    • walk in the countryside or something I guess... ha. but yes I have lost all faith in Wiki after recent events.fadein11
    • anyone who really believes he has anything to say tomorrow is a fucking idiot anywaymonospaced
  • ********

    Politics are just too fucking shady.

    I give up. Who wants to buy my vote? Up for the highest bidder.

    • today was a shit day in politics. colombia, assange, trumps internet comments, green party lady... too much cynicism. nothing looks good.
    • plus the solar energy misleading shit in florida... ughhhh
    • let em do what they want. im going to relax.
    • "I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it."
  • reanimate2

    • This bloke's opinion is as worthless as mine.BusterBoy
  • chukkaphob10