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  • 161 Responses
  • Meeklo0

    My only problem is the constant spamming. And the only responsible of that in here and cpluv, its the same guy. Anything else I can care less about. If you pollute my visual space I will develop a negative reaction to whatever is that you are doing, good or bad.

    I see it like this: spamming is a guy with a megaphone yelling at people on the street to buy something, pedestrians walk by him and cover their ears in pain, wishing he would stop doing yelling at them. There are 3 choices you can take.

    a) You walk into the store and buy what he is yelling you to buy.
    b) You go across the street and you ignore it.
    c) You tell him to quit yelling at you, if the product interests you, you will consume it when you think its appropriate.
    d) You flip him off.

    3 of 4 are negative reactions. Am I missing one?
    No one likes a spammer.

    • maybe 4Meeklo
    • i got the power on cpluv to put his spam in the other column,
      so i going to do this systematicely.
  • pepe0

    I think you guys misperceive the kdu. Recently I had an email exchange with david g. about an upcoming issue of the royal where he very specifically requested that we put thought and messages into our designs and illustrations as they pertain to the royal and to make our imagery have purpose. A lot of the kdu as you guys see it is imagery very similar to chuck and nigels work who are the poster children of the Kdu aesthetic. Does it solve the design problem at hand? no. But what is overlooked is that most of the younger kids who slap the kdu badge on their site are young like everyone else is when they first discover this labyrinth called 'design', and just like myself, they try to find their voices first through style but eventually like everyone else they discover the message dictates the look.

    The kdu simply allows just about anyone with a passion for going crazy the opportunity to try and discover themselves as designers which is far more than I can say for a site like qbn which basically harvests pessimism and bicker. The kdu isnt perfect nor does it state to be, but at least david and lex and the crew provide outlets to show work instead of a forum to talk shit about other peoples.

    Whats most rediculous about this thread are the generalizations made about a group that only means well and is as enthusiastic as you could ask for about making interesting work. To say the kdu sucks is such an ignorant blatant statement as the kdu even at its core represent say 20 designers and illustrators nothing alike all doing different projects, solving different problems and evolving different solutions. Get off it.

    • you suck.vague
    • nice work pepeMeeklo
    • eat shit vaguepepe
    • logged. clients dont like unprofessionalismvague
    • or anonymitylifterBARON
    • pepe, i got no problem with the designers, i got a problem in their pompeuse communication.tank02
    • fair enough on the pompous attitude, people like son mean the best and he is a very stoked dude but i could see how his banter gets a bit heavy handed. and vague i just call out assholes as i seem them. my clients appreciate it more than you can imagine.pepe
  • juxtavision0

    I think Tommy said it best K D WHO! Lens flairs and outer glows have blinded raw forms of visual communication.

  • Randd0

    don't you kids ever get tired of living in fear that your portfolios won't mimic the the surface attributes of the latest memes?

  • killerqueen0

    I want to sincerely apologize for any and all comments i have made on directed towards a David Gensler, thekdu, and all members of thekdu. my comments were unfair and unwarranted.

    thekdu is and will continue to serve as a launching ground for new and emerging artists as well as a means for established artists/designers to expand their horizons. thekdu continues to help these individuals by leveraging its talent pool and connections, and i recommend it to anyone who thinks they are talented enough to work even harder to meet thekdu standards in order to benefit from these industry assets.


    • * Reads prepared statement as lawyer hovers threateningly over shoulder.MrOneHundred
    • Lost your spirit?ismith
    • hands down the best post today - lolsikma
    • hahahaha, wtf?Jaline
    • If it's truly sincere, there is hope for the human race after all. Forgive and forget. Peace. Good night.ismith
    • Uh...yeah...let's not dwell too much on this. I can only imagine what could've happened...Jaline
    • interesting turn in events for sure..lifterBARON
  • cannonball0

    *looks at poorly edited submission and gets red*

    • It's okay. At least you took the effort to write more than a few petty insults or incoherent thoughts.ismith
  • cannonball0

    I did, in fact read this whole thing from the peanut gallery. I'll come out with it and say I do dislike the KDU, and not just because of the glossy self-indulgence, but because it sells the idea of design as a lifestyle to younger people like Son, who eat it up wholesale in exchange for a sense of purpose as a mouthpiece without even considering the depth that true design can hit at. Cults become attractive to their members in much the same way.

    The KDU... well let's take a look at what discourse it's created as evidence of it's value.... hype and the world that hype is sustained by.... and not much else. Seems to be a limited level of contribution. What is it a "Keystone" of then, if anything?

    "By continuing this trend of style-first then society expects less, our jobs get easier, our jobs are now so one-dimensional, our clients can go anywhere and get style made."

    I agree with this. When money meets creativity on the market, no one likes to buy into risky ideas, so fear keeps everything watered down. I see a lot of "low risk aesthetic" perpetuated these days and a lot of it looks like the stuff the KDU does. High gloss, low message. This type of stuff must sell well because It tastes great and is easy to digest.

    *gets off soap box and returns to soulless advertising job a hypocrite*
    The KDU... well let's take a look at what discourse it's created as evidence of it's value.... hype and the world that hype is sustained by.... and not much else. If it is the fabrication of hype that they "design" it seems to be a limited level of contribution. What is it a Keystone of then, if anything?

    "By continuing this trend of style-first then society expects less, our jobs get easier, our jobs are now so one-dimensional, our clients can go anywhere and get style made."

    I agree with this. The premium of creativity has risen in the last few years, especially in the business world. The hypocrisy is that no one likes to buy into risky ideas, so fear keeps everything watered down. I see a lot of "low risk aesthetic" perpetuated these days and a lot of it looks like the stuff the KDU does. High gloss, low message. It tastes great and is easy to digest. Ask Son.

  • lifterBARON0

    i never mentioned that i thought son had any skill. i just think its fuckin retarded people are shitting on Gensler and KDU cause there is a lot of Hype behind it. We are fucking designers, we create hype to sell a fucking product. plain and simple. thats our job, thats why we have sites and cards, and t-shirts etc.. with our id on it..

    word though. my shit isnt that good.. but ill say it loud. its better than most.. which might not say a lot, but I dedicated to getting out there and being seen and making moves. . i dont just roll in to a blog and talk crazy shit just to act tough. this is the shit i believe. i live this shit.. and i dont think people who dont design have as much if any right to talk down or talk shit.. fuck film critics too, they only read reviews and talk about sales, they dont have much clout when it comes down to it. if you are seasoned and skilled at something or anything related to your criticism, than blam take a poke or too at someone's work, but dont slander and bitch just to do it.

  • TNDAP0

    I think they are saying.....send me free shit please!?! And what you wrote can most def be applied to son becuz as far as i'm concerned he lacks any talent and has no grasp (and Im going from the stuff i saw on his site) of typography or even a fucking grid system ...cmon, hell the shit you wrote could be applied to you or me for that matter its all a matter of opinion and when you say that someones skills that they are probably trying to make a liivng off of can be brought and sold, ie replace you are starting beef especially when you also fall into that catagory., cuz homie i just went to your site and to quote you "just not what i consider wow type stuff" so chill we can critique without being nasty and everybody doesnt need to have a site to review shit most film critics dont direct and everyone with a site dont have some people with site have nothing to contribute of value.

  • lifterBARON0

    kq, I am in no rush to start fights with any of the other designers/artists on here, although, in my opnion, i will say quantity and not quality is on their side... with the exception of dysplasii i think he has super fresh work.. all of the others could be bought and sold.. no offense or intent on starting shit with the other "gents" but just not feeling their shit to the fullest. some skill there, just not what i consider wow type stuff. most of these people never really bitched either, they simply stated their opinions. that is fine by me. bitching is uncalled for, especially by those that reply anonymously or with no facts to back their asses up. specifically to your hippy, sky, zodiac loving ass. how someone like yourself with absolutely zero design or any obvious talent in any artistic field can talk so much shit just for the sake of talking.. is beyond me.

    also, as mentioned before, that work on my site is old and is being replaced. i dont have a corporate client list or 7 pages of work on my site, but i am showing it openly. Im not attacking anyone's style or talent. just provided opinions and evidence to support my beliefs.. you might not like the buttons, i might not even like the buttons, but a bunch of people asking me to send some to them all over the planet must say something.

    • Please link back when your portfolio is updated, I want to see :)ismith
    • absolutely...lifterBARON
    • I collect portfolio links, for those times when I feel like looking at nice things.ismith
  • lifterBARON0

    i really appreciate the links.. ill have to do a little searching..

  • killerqueen0

    For proof of what tommyo says just examine these nonsense comments…

  • coalson0

    I believe the project son in referring to is this…

    Damn I am bored

  • JKilla770

    Son is passionate I'll give him that, and really I don't know much about the KDU so I can't comment on them specifically, however if they are trying to help in moving society forward as you claim then why would they want to be associated with your homophobic raciest rhetoric?

  • tommyo0


    Design shouldn't be viewed as 'matching something or exceeding it'...that's just dumb. This isn't a contest that can be measured. However we are responsible for carrying the torch of how our culture is perceived, visually, for possibly hundreds of thousands of years from now. To make it clear, and responding to 'Dave's own words' I do have a opinion about your private group. I really don't give a fuck if you or him care about my opinion, but I care about the message your 'private group' sends out. Don't get me wrong, the KDU isn't the only one who has a style-first agenda, they're just the only one I know of that transparently promote themselves shamelessly by interviewing each other on over the top my design group is my gang channels of their own development. Which kinda makes me want to puke a little.


    I don't think Gensler is really 'trying' to do anything. But I do think that people who are heavily involved, like Chuck Anderson, who (in the past, I have no clue if the kid is still alive or not), provides the same solution for varieties of visual problems is NOT a designer. What he does is not something I wouldn't want young designers to idolize. Why is this a bad thing? Well if you don't actually solve different visual problems with different solutions, yet instead find it alright to just use a style to solve the visual problems for various clients then 1. You're cheating yourself because now you're one-dimensional and as soon as a 10 year old in India learns how to duplicate the style you've just sold to 5 clients, well...then your style is just going to get dated until you're now the pioneer of a cliche. 2. You're cheating society by offering a cheap 'style' over something that has some depth and deeper meaning. Why do we spend so much time kerning and adjusting leading when 95% of the people who view it would never see a difference? It's because good design also lives in the subconscious. So if your solution is cheap and meaningless instead genuine and unique then you treat society like the mindless fucks that every marketer wishes they were. 3. By continuing this trend of style-first then society expects less, our jobs get easier, our jobs are now so one-dimensional, our clients can go anywhere and get style made. I read an article years ago about why being a graphic artist will be a high paying career for a long time. Their reasoning was that while jobs like programming can go overseas, designers tell the story of their culture, we interpret our culture visually and people who aren't directly attached to our culture could never do it as well as we can locally. Well, this argument loses all traction once that our redeeming factor of interpretation is gone and this becomes a style game.

    So no, I don't think Gensler is trying to attack design as a whole, I think he has no clue what this is all about. This is not a fucking contest or a buzzword, to me at least it isn't. All this posturing and hype for something as flimsy as 'style' is just kind of, well, cheap. I just wish there would be a little more respect for the craft.


    Bleh I'm done, gotta get to work. Day is almost done. Thanks to those who agree or feel the same.

    • Fucking bravo, mate. Bravo.killerqueen
    • i feel ya.. i believe those same words, i just dont aim do discredit for trying.. whether its as good as it should be?lifterBARON
  • dbloc0

    • Oh, that pic on the left is crying out for some ‘shopping.MrOneHundred
  • killerqueen0

    litterBARON im sure your VERY creative buttonpress designs really impress your Art History Major friends but around here its a bit wank.

    • thats why its in personal hot stuff.. or shall i refer to it as experimental to have a greater impact on viewers?lifterBARON
    • you've got spirit, I'll give you a point for that.killerqueen
  • killerqueen0


    All have portfolios that far exceed your own.

  • uncle_helv0

    son you spout the biggest pile of arse I've ever heard and what's more your work is garbage! but then again you are still about 12 aren't you?

  • lifterBARON0

    now I'm curious to see who killerqueen was referencing.. I dont think I am the best at all.. far from it.. BUT, i would like to see the shit talkers portfolios..