Deadlines for clients

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  • 27 Responses
  • Jaline0

    Ugh, I hate when people give others work right when they are off for the holidays (or any other break) or are going somewhere.

    My mom does this all the time whenever she leaves for shopping. She basically wants anyone who is staying home to clean the entire house for when she gets back. It's like some sort of obsession.

  • i_monk0

    It gets worse: the client doesn't pay per job, he pays the agency a monthly retainer (or whatever). We never bill him for anything.

    Does Krop list jobs in Canada? :/

    • Krop does, but not that many...
    • b/c Canadian companies don't know much about Krop? not sure...Jaline
  • flashbender0

    well i_monk, it sounds like you're kind of screwed in this situation. It is one of those things I guess "doing your time" as some would say. I had a bad boss like that a few jobs ago - he wouldn't say no to a client ever so work just stacked up as did the pressure and stress.

    Agencies expect a lot from their people - some of the bigger ones here expect a minimum of 60 is even worse if your agency is on retainer with them, because then for sure your boss is not going to say anything to risk losing them. If it really is that bad I think your best course of action is try to with some other designers and if they are all in a similar situation go to the boss and try to get him to add a jr. level designer to take some of the pressure off.

    • especially with a monthly retainer fee.tkmeister
    • yeah, that sours the situation considerably - unless you own the agencyflashbender
  • AndyRoss0


    Honestly, don't think above your pay grade. It's not down to you when, or how, of if the client pays. Or what the deadlines are.

    Sergeants and Corporals are always second-guessing the Generals and Colonels, and that's the nature of the world.

    But you will save yourself a lot of grief and stress if you realize that your only concern is, "am I getting paid properly for the work I have to do?"

    • which is more likely then not, no.
      and never forget money is merely a side-step compensation when it comes to YOUR time. family first, always.
    • and an easy-out compensation when it comes to YOUR time. family first, always. fuck money, and the people that think it's #1 priority.lvl_13
    • priority. it never is.lvl_13
  • olli1010

    I'm in the same situation as Joyride and i_monk. My agency is constantly taking projects with ridiculous timeframes that my team constantly has to bat back because it's so unrealistic. From what I've seen, it's due to overenthusiastic AM's trying to look good by bringing in all this business but not having a clue as to what's actually possible technically. (you don't think they'd actually speak to their developers or designers, do you?)

    Are you noticing that it's for small-ish work as well? We never seem to get bombarded with the rich man's problem of having several multi-million dollar things show up, just loads of "couple of thousand here", "couple of thousand there".

    Add several of those to a small team and it's unhappy bunnies all around. Merry Christmas!

  • i_monk0

    AndyRoss - We're the ones stuck here until 10pm (and beyond) because of idiotic last minute major projects the boss can't say no to, or don't bother briefing us on until the day it's due, so no we're not being paid properly for that. What's the solution then? Just quit, or try to fix the work environment for everyone in the same boat?

  • joyride0

    Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. You can bring it up and if they are understanding maybe something will be worked out... more money maybe? But, from my experience, if they are not in the trenches with you, i.e. staying late also, then, they don't care and will take advantage.

    From what I've seen there are 2 major types of companies, ones that work people til they leave because of ridiculous work environments, and ones that know, good people are hard to find, so do whatever you can to keep them happy and feeling rewarded.