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  • susan-deaux

    Hi, I'm trying to use the if IE trick to swap stylesheets for ie5 - 6. It's not working.

    When I remove the regular link to the stylesheet, IE can sense the right one and it works.

    code modified to stick
    < !--[if IE]>
    < style type="text/css" title="style" media="screen">
    @import "lib/index_ie.css";

    < ![endif]-->

    But when I put both in like it's supposed to be, it seems like the regular sheet always overwrites, even if I call the page from IE.

    code modified to stick
    < style type = "text/css" title="style" media="screen" >
    @import "lib/index.css";

    < !--[if IE]>
    < style type="text/css" title="style" media="screen" >
    @import "lib/index_ie.css";
    < / style>
    < ![endif]-- >

    Anyone know what's wrong?

    FYI all of the styles in each file are exactly the same for the most part.


  • randalldon0

    You may want to look at a different solution as i'm pretty sure this IE hack breaks in IE 7 anyway. Its not really future proof or standards compliant.

    You'd be better off looking at dynamic stylesheet generation probably using PHP. Digital Bonsai have got a really useful article on this -


    Hope that helps!

  • susan-deaux0

    I'd much rather go for that.
