Gomery Inquiry 2005

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  • 37 Responses
  • spiralstarez0

    blah blah blah.

    This is the thread for people who enjoy reading their own long posts.

  • magicpatch0

    wha wha wah

    thats right, its not for people that enjoy taking pointless stabs.

  • sherman0

    what else is there to do?


  • magicpatch0

    radical visia - funny:

    "I don't think the conservatives will take power, but the liberals will run a bluer platform in order to cater to the voting majority."

    they'll be releasing a bluer identity this week sometime.

  • spiralstarez0

    what else is there to do?

    (Apr 15 05, 13:50)

    ha ha. Okay that's a point well made :-)

  • Jaline0

    i will be voting liberal, only because i think they are the lesser of the three evils...

    it friggin sucks :(
    (Apr 15 05, 12:58)

    agreed :(

  • punch0

    Yep, that's canadians for ya eh? Willing to overlook scandal, fraud and theft in the highest echelons of power for the sake of maintaining convenient, self-serving status quo. The Liberal Party is downright Machiavellian. I hope canadians don't get suckered into another couple years of more taxes, more laws and more arrogance.

    Ya know, some politically correct, superficially broad-minded canadians pay lipservice to this word "tolerance" as the most venerable canadian virtue, yet they can't "tolerate" the idea of political parties with differing views from their own legally and democratically challenging the political hegemony. This kind of close minded attitude is extremely dangerous. Rigorous unfettered debate is a sign of a healthy democracy. Or did you not know that enforced monopolicy in the political process is called *fascism*.

    As for Harper being a whiney bitch, he is leader of the opposition. Whether you agree or disagree with the party platform, it's his fucking job to bitch and whine.

    Oh ya, someone brought up Pierre Asswipe Pettigrew. C'mon, he's a crook. That HRDC scandal (so conveniently forgotten 5 odd years later) occured under his direction. Jane Stewart became the sacrificial lamb of the whole affair, after Pettigrew was moved to Foreign Affairs.

    Anyways, why the fuck I am arguing canadian politics on a design forum escapes me. So...

    The end.

  • Jaline0

    I agree with most of your points.

    The only problem is that all that stuff the Liberals are working on legalizing will be tossed out the window if they aren't in power anymore. Which sort of worries me.

    *sigh. I guess we'll see soon.

  • Visia0

    typical conservative viewpoint: democracy demands that we change.

    Too bad it's wrong. If it isn't broken then don't fix it. That's why the Canadian people have voted the liberals to power for so long, they believe they're doing a good job.

    As for overlooking "scandal". Yes, I am. Because no matter what party is in power there's going to be a "scandal". I'd rather have the liberals in power and scamming us than the conservatives.

    Now, the juiciest part: Harper.

    I realise that Harper is the leader of the opposition and his job is to oppose. That's not why I think he's a whiny bitch.

    I think he's a whiner because he's been to Ottawa 3 times and quit 3 times because he didn't get his way. He's the kid that doesn't like the way the game is played so he stomps his foot and crys. Then he goes running home to his mom (aka Alberta).

    He's proven that he can't emotionally handle Ottawa. When he doesn't win he cries "NO FAIR! DO OVER!". It's pathetic, I wish he would just quit once and for all. He's a horrible leader of the opposition.

    His entire party platform is "whatever the liberals want, we don't". That's pathetic politics. Anti-liberal for the sake of it doesn't make for a worthy Leader of the Opp.

    Preston Manning knew that and he was highly skilled at challenging the liberals AND presenting solutions rather than just screaming across the isle and being anti-whatever-they-said.

    Joe Clark knew this as well. Both of them were very good at working WITH the majority party to make sure that they were serving the interests of their party while still allowing progress to be made.

    Harper's whole goal is to bring the governement to a halt. So, lets do that, lets call an election and waste millions just to have the Canadian people to tell us they want Paul Martin as PM again. Great idea.

  • Fanco0

    I haven't read everything here because I simply don't have the time today. I love to debate policitcs with people.

    I like the NPD platform but they party itself is trash. I dont like Jack. I like Ed Broadbent though.

    I'll vote liberals beucase I sure as hell don't want the Tories in power. Harper is too conservative for Canada. Funny how he looks like a baby compared to the Republicans down south. I remember last election pins were circulating with the words "STOP HARPER"

    I don't like Paul Martin that much though. I respected more Chrétien because that guy had nerves. he said his opinion. Martin seems like a wet noodle. I was plesently surprised when he said no to the missile defence.

  • Fanco0

    oh and remember last week when Harper was saying that he would rather wait for the end of the inquiry before calling a vote and the polls said people were happy he thought that.

    (remember polls are 2000 people only. no enough to juge the opinion of a country)

    now he's saying he might call an election in spring cause the numbers in the polls are in his favour. its like a kid on sugar rush with A.D.H.D.

  • punch0

    >"If it isn't broken then don't fix it. "

    Wanton bribery is a rather serious symptom of a broken government.

    >"That's why the Canadian people have voted the liberals to power for so long, they believe they're doing a good job."

    Have you checked the polls lately? Do you remember the results of the last election?

    >"I'd rather have the liberals in power and scamming us than the conservatives."

    Lesser of evils. Sure. As for me, the issue comes down to taxes and laws: as in less taxes, less laws. Decentralization of power. More provincial autonomy. Less social engineering. Less Kafkaesque bureacratic machinery wasting resources and complicating the system.

    So ya, if you haven't figured out already, I have strong libertarian tendencies, which doesn't make me a conservative, but sure as hell doesn't make me a socialist either.

    >".....waste millions just to have the Canadian people to tell us they want Paul Martin as PM again. Great idea."

    Considering the circumstances, I think another election is very much in order. If the libs had a majority government I might agree with you. But federal politics in this country is in a very amorphous state. You say Harper wants to bring government to a halt. I say the liberals want to bring the democratic process to a halt.

    But we can go on arguing politics like this forever. Let's just see what happens and cast our votes when the time comes.

  • danthon0

    "Yep, that's canadians for ya eh? Willing to overlook scandal, fraud and theft in the highest echelons of power for the sake of maintaining convenient, self-serving status quo"

    (Apr 17 05, 01:32)

    if that was true there would be no Gomery Inquiry

  • Visia0


    Polls are bullshit. Global is reporting a conservative majority.

    They also reported the same "poll results" before the last federal election and we ended up with a Liberal minority. That's a far cry from the conservative majority they were boasting.

    Plus, every outlet has different results. Global and the Post are going to show conservative wins while the Star and the Globe are going to show Liberal wins.

    Either way polls are crap.

  • Fanco0

    wait. did you say Star? The anti-same sex marriage and sunshine girl newspaper... a pro liberal newspaper? i allways found it to be conservative.

    as for the glove. its the most editorial newspaper ever. they blew into the spotlight the whole sponsership deals by the liberals.

    as for Global. I think its funny who drasticaly they've changed. They used to be super pro-liberal because it's own by the Aspers. who are close to the liberals and chrétien.

  • Jaline0

    men such as conservative media tycoon Conrad Black and Michael Steinhardt are investors in The Sun.

  • Visia0

    franco, I think you're confusing the Star with the Sun. The Sun is very hard right while the Star leans to the left.

    The Globe is a great newspaper but even they've changed in the past few years. They still lean left though.