sucking up

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  • iDp

    so say you're writing a cover letter to a company that is going to review your companies portfolio...gimme some suckup shit to put in there.

    I hate writing these things because A) I can't stand pumping up my work and B) It always comes out sounding cheesy.

    Any BS suckup shit you use that sounds genuine?

  • iDp0

    I just want to go ahead and write...

    We can't wait to get your projects into our portfolio. Rape the fuck out of you with our inflated rates. Don't get us wrong seeing some of the design work on your site, you WILL be smiling while you write the checks. Yes we are that good. Nuff said, call us you bitches.'

  • iDp0

    bah fuck it I'm going to the pool.

  • iDp0

    'Thank you for your interest in reviewing Infusion Projects work. We take great pride in our craft and hope that is evident in this portfolio. We have experience in the creative fields of design (print and web), advertising and identity systems.

    We are very excited about this opportunity to work with (company name omitted so that you shady designers wont go and try to steal the food on off our plate) and feel extremely confident that our relationship will be both long and mutually successful. After reviewing information about your company’s work we feel strongly that we are a perfect fit. Seeing as we’ve completed many projects in the field of promotional design we know that we are able to integrate immediately with your needs.'

    - ok I'm thinking about ending it with this tagline...

    'Give us a shot and we'll send you a bill!

    Infusion Project'

  • Nac0

    end it with...peace out bitches!