Your 5 favorite

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  • Rand0

    I guess I listed least favorite

  • brandelec0

    magnolia fav - julianne moore character : And you, you fucking call me lady!? Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on both of you!

  • balb0a0

    ...too hard to pick the greatest, but here are a few memorable ones (also in no particular order):

    1. The Passenger:
    While Nicholson is driving the convertible down the allee of trees, Maria Schneider turns around in her seat - and for a few seconds is framed by the blurring trees exploding out from around her head.

    2. Being There:
    The scene when Sellers has just left the mansion and you realize that the estate is in the middle of the ghetto.

    3. Mayor of Sunset Strip:
    I'm not big into Coldplay, but the scene where Bingenheimer throws his mother's ashes over the boat -- with "Yellow" blasting in the background... i don't know, it was pretty moving at the time.

    4. My Own Private Idaho:
    The campfire scene where River Phoenix opens up to Keanu is big ans small at the same time.

    5. Paris, Texas:
    The bit where Harry Dean Anderson reveals himself to Nastassja Kinski through the peep show glass by telling that super long story...

    6. Harold and Maude:
    "I find the very QUESTION dustasteful"...

    7. Five Easy Pieces:
    "I want you to hold it between your KNEEEEES."

    -- bonus documentary section --

    8. Endless Summer:
    When the "chief" of the village tries to learn to surf... there's a LOT of socio-cultural stuff going on in that one little sequence.

    9. Running Fence:
    The moment when Christo decides to break the law to finish installing the portion of the artwork that extends out into the ocean... and when the hundreds of sweaty hippies find out that they have like 2 hours to finish 20 miles of installation before the cops arrive to shuit it down... Took some balls.

  • unfittoprint0

    Gigli. the whole movie.

  • Rand0

    hey balboa

  • hiphoprelic0

    1. Jet Lee with many swords fights 100's of guards blindfolded as red petals fall from sky in the The Legend 2 - "My hand is guided by God"

    2. Opening of Ghost in the Shell when the Major dives off of building and activates therm-optic camoflague

    3. "Charlie don't surf!" - Guys surfing with bomb blasts going off right next to them. - Apocolypse Now

    4. Sam Seed fights Rubber Legs at table, fighting over sake, taking a drink from the jug every chance he gets.

    5. "You got to aim for the heart if you plan to kill a man." Clint Eastwood gun fight with a cut out of a metal barrle under his poncho. - The Good the Bad and the Ugly

  • -sputnik-0

    1. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. C-beams glittering in the dark by the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."

    2. "that's no moon, its a space station"

    3. "no time for love, dr jones"

    4. any of the "viva las vegas" cuts of freddy four fingers in snatch

    5. jerome reading eugene's note at the end of gattaca

  • balb0a0

    heya mr. Rand


  • jox0

    Training day -

    The scene where he's (i forgot thee name of the main character) sitting at the table with the mexicans, playing poker. I love how the scene got more and more intense. Till he got his ass kicked.

  • unfittoprint0

    -sputnik-, I love gattaca, espeecialy the Frank Lloyd Wright building where the cadets train...

  • brandelec0

    sputnik, you stole my bladerunner moment!!

    but that's okay

  • Moo0

    Great Question

    So Many to think about but my top five will after be:

    Southpark movie: Cartman saying fuck in school and then tell mr grason to how would you like to suck my balls? always makes me smile

    The lord of the rings at the start when they are telling the story of the rings.

    Star wars, luke I am your father, and yoda fighting in the attack of the clones

    The godfather part 1 well where do I start the whole film but I love the wedding I just hope I have one like that some day

    and finally

    Shawshank Redemtion. where freeman explains the escape route he tunneled through mile and mile of shit and came out clean on the other side I also like the quote Get busy living, or get busy dying. That's goddamn right.

  • Sep0

    "Why do they call you Frank?"
    "It was the name of my father. (smiles) And his father before me."

    "Mr Myagi! We did it!"

    "Ray, next time, if someone asks you: 'Are you a God?', say YES!"

    "I hear Interzone looks really nice this time 'o the year."

    "Hello? We, errr, we had a slight weapon-malfunction but everything's perfectly allright now, we're all fine here, thank you... How are you?"

  • kodap0

    Monty Python's holy grail (all scenes)

    I was out of tear drop supplies

  • haga0

    The street shootout scene in Heat

    When Mickey Rourke "understands" in Angel Heart

    Dancefloor scene and bathtub scene in Jacobs Ladder

    Christopher Walken meets Dennis Hopper in True Romance - "My father was the heavyweight champion of Sicilian liers" and Hopper realizes that he's fucked.

  • tara|gee0

    1- amelie when she turns to dust in the coffee shop

    2 - pulpfiction the scene where marvin gets shot in the face

    3 - godfather when he slaps him and says YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN

    4 - goodfellas when spider gets shot in the foot

    5 - the pne where crazy winnebago guy says nomore yelling from ANYONE!!! especially MEEEEE!!!!

  • -sputnik-0

    yea unfitt...gatacca was really underrated.

    ok so best scene #2 from blade runner: the quiet moment right before he applies the voigt-kampff to rachael, when dr tyrell draws the shade. light is golden and set is stunning.

  • Milan0

    1. FightClub
    When Brad Pitt and Ed Norton
    are talking on the plane
    Norton: Tyler, you are by far the most interesting single-serving friend I've ever met... see I have this thing: everything on a plane is single-serving...
    Brad Pitt : Oh I get it, it's very clever.
    Norton : Thank you.
    Brad Pitt : How's that working out for you?
    Norton : What?
    Brad Pitt : Being clever.

    2. Kill Bill Vol. 1
    The Crazy 88 fight scene, where Uma kills around 100 people in a restaurant and rips a guy's eye out. Then they show him in the background a few minutes later walking around, waving his arms trying to find his eye.

    3. Casino, Goodfellas
    Any scene where Joe Pesci beats someone up.

    4. Pulp Fiction
    The Wolf : Jimmie, lead the way. Boys, get to work.
    Vincent : A please would be nice.
    The Wolf : What?
    Vincent : I said a please would be nice.
    The Wolf : Get it straight, gentlemen: I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do. And if self-preservation is an instinct that you possess, you'd better do it and do it quick. If my help's not appreciated, lots of luck, gentlemen.
    Jules : No, Mr. Wolf, it ain't like that...
    Vincent : I don't mean any disrespect, I just like people barking orders at me.
    The Wolf : If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor here. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So, pretty please - with sugar on top... clean the fuckin' car.


    Vincent Vega : I got a threshold, Jules. I got a threshold for the abuse I'll take. And right now I'm a race car and you got me in the red. I'm just saying that it's fuckin' dangerous to have a racecar in the fuckin' red. It could blow.
    Jules : Oh, you're gettin' ready to blow?
    Vincent Vega : I could blow.
    Jules : Well I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker, motherfucker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T", I'm the "GUNS OF THE NAVARONE". In fact, what the fuck am I doin' in the back? You're the motherfucker should be on brain detail. We're fuckin' switchin' right now. I'm washin' the windows and you're pickin' up this nigger's skull.

    5. Scarface
    The bathroom chainsaw scene. I remember watching this movie when I was 10 years old and to this day no horror movie has been able to shock me more than that scene.

  • motormel0

    RAGING BULL-Where Robert Dinero says "take off your panties"

    TAMPOPO-the egg scene

    "beginning to end"

    "this is halloween"

    agree with mr.snugs chair fighting bit in Gummo

  • kezza_20

    1. The end of Life is Beautiful - where the little boy goes 'mama', I blub like a baby everytime.

    2. Where Salvatore goes back to the cinema after 30 years to see it's demolition in Cinema Paradiso.

    3. Where Al Pacino revenges his fathers death by shooting the Cop and the other gangster in the cafe in Godfather p1

    4. Where they discover Any Dufraine gone from his cell and they pull back the poster, to find the hole, then the movie talks about how he escaped. Shawshank Redemption.

    5. Any scene with James Stuart in. Especially something from It's a wonderful life or Mr Hobbs