3D Question

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  • 1 Response
  • Helvetica


    Brief: A]
    Build a model of an exhibition stand. Fairly basic shapes, a few laptops, paople, envionmental lighting etc. Mostly flat colour.

    Brief: B]
    Make a 5-10 second animation of a walkthrough from 2-3 different angles.

    My question is what is the best software suite for this task. Is Max overkill? Is there a mac programme that will do it? (Client wants it 'photorealistic' - basically what they mean is with lighting effects, they don't expect the people to look real).

    My other question (if I can't do it myself) is anyone arsed doing this freelance before christmas? Mail me your hourly rate and est time if so.


  • unfittoprint0

    Use MAX. Add RPC plugin [from Archvision] for a more 'real' look. Works for me.
