The Day After Tomorrow

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  • 32 Responses
  • Geith

    Wow! This looks amazing.


    Thanks for the link, Bluejam.

  • Bluejam0

    Saw the trailer last night on the big screen...

    ...impressive visuals fo'sure.

  • subSTANCE0

    woah... where the hell did this movie come from?...

    looks like craziness from the little bit in the trailer... but enough to wet my movie loving whistle.

  • unknown0

    one of the movies I am acctuallylooking forward to that I have no idea what its about.

  • unknown0

    Premise: This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes (I don't quite get the science of that one), tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Adrian Hall (Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north... (Rossum plays another student, and Gyllenhaal's romantic interest; Ward plays Quaid's wife and Gyllenhaal's mother; Serrano plays Quaid's boss)

  • brundlefly0

    they also brought us Godzilla....

    could go either way.

  • Mimio0

    I hate being the nay-sayer, but this looks like a total piece. It's just a conglom of disaster movies that plagued us in the mid-90's.

  • unknown0

    Not to change the subject, but look at this:…

    That Greg's Movies site rules.

  • woodyBatts0

    here i can help out on the layout of the movie

    1. everything's great
    2.Oh no!(special effect)
    3.Oh shit!(bigger special effect)
    4.Let's fall in love
    5.Oh no!(special effect)
    6.Oh no!(special effect)
    7. Movie ends on a good note, couple in love, and a reflection on what we are doing to our eco system, as you throw away your jumbo cardboard cup away.

  • tc_fisher0

    Can I remind you people that this movie, no matter what the teaser trailer looks like, is written and directed by Roland Emmerich. Remember this guy? Yeah, we all do. Let me take you down memory lane to bring about the recent past of artistic endevours of the artist, known as, Roland.

    Universial Soldier -- The one that put him on the map. This is his Mean Streets. This is his BottleRocket. His Citizen Kane. And that little fucker Devlin had his dick in this too.

    Stargate -- This was a great idea that a bunch of other people had until said hack(s) went about making their own version. God damnit. There are some really good SF writers that were turning in their graves the night this fucking thing premiered.

    Independence Day -- I hear all of you naysayers. But, in 10 years or so, when you wake up out of your I Like Terrible Movies Because I Don't Know Any Better Coma and realize that no matter how pretty the alien ships and the CG were, it still boils down to Randy Fucking Quaid saving the human population of this fine Terra we are all sitting on. Randy Quaid. Randy Quaid? C'mon. That would be like fucking Bill Pullman feigning to be our president... Wait. No. fuck. This movie is awful. And there are so many problems. And you can't make an excuse for lack of character development or plot holes. You fucking can't and if you do, that's fucking terrible and you should stop what you are doing now and go fucking plant a garden or do watercolors in your basement. Just do something you don't have to force on the public to fucking pay to see it. Randy quaid is our savior. Fucking ridiculous. By the by, if you haven't watch War of the Worlds recently, you fucking should. The miniature work is great, the sound effects are classic and it's more of a realistic ending than Roland could ever think of. Or maybe it was Devlin's fault? Oh there is no point in placing blame on one guy. And it helps to have good source material, instead of ripping source material.

    Godzilla. I mean, I would be scared to if I saw one, a giant salamander coming at me and two, Matthew Broderick tried to save me. Yes. That would be scarry. I don't care what any of you say. This movie is a complete disaster. All around. Fucking a waste of money. You could have bought your weights' worth in frozen bull semen and you would have spent your money wiser than the producers of said lizard movie.

    The patriot. Now, I have to admit, I haven't seen this movie. BUT, I had enough friends that did see it and told me not too. And these friends have an idea as to what makes a good movie, summer blockbuster or not.

    And now, this guy brings us a movie, loosely based on Art Bell and Whitley Streiber's book, The Coming Global Superstorm. About a, heh, superstorm that literally wipes out the planet's population and freezes everthing, presupposing that this natural disaster could have erased previous technological civilizations from our recent past. Good premise. I can only imagine what Roland will do to this. And thank god that Dennis Quaid now gets a chance to save the human race from destruction. I bet that Randy and Dennis haven't talked since Randy sacrificed his life for that of you and you and dennis and he has had his nose up in the air ever since. Well thank you fucking much Roland, for making the score even between the fueding Quaid bros.

    And thank you whomever for continuing the destruction of today's cinema by constantly filling the pockets of Roland's pants with money. Fucking hollywood. It's all fucking ruined or close to and the fucks like Roland and his ilk can't help but play orson wells, trying to make their next opus.

    They are slowly killing it softly with their hate. Over and over. All of 'em. You remember when they used to play short films and cartoons before the film began? Do you remember how the short film was a viable medium because of venues like this? Yeah, remembering is fun. But people like roland and Cokeacola destroy all of that. I don't think any would-be film maker walks away from today's cinema saying, wow, that short film by that nyu kid was so excellent and funny and you remember how he got to stand in front of the camera with that coke sweatshirt on, introducing his critically acclaimed student film, which takes place in a theater and follows the the trials and tribulations of an employee, working the ticket tearing and saving the life of a college-coed from ketchup being squirted on her because her stoopid jock boyfriend didn't have the courage or the WANT to save her? Do they teach anything at NYU these days? What kind of fucking professors practice there? Is this the quality of filmmaker coming out of that presigious school or is this some pretentious trust funded conneticut motherfucker that saw star wars once and didn't want a real job and took his daddy's money to invest in his future career of making films only to take a spot in a short line of applicants that SHOULD be going to the school but can't so a poor kid from topeka, ks with a good portfolio, who just got done filling out all of those fucking grant forms and financial aid packets, only to find a letter from the dean saying his spot has been taken by such and such and good luck next year as dickhead drinks his way through school until he sees a flyer for a contest sponsered by Coke to get his sweet short film out there on the big screen, 16mm blown up to 2K, on 2000 screens across the us and some retarded VC Fuck loves coke and thinks theater employees are funny when trying to save girls at the concession stand and how that storlyine is so fantastic and this NYU grad is the new hot director and lets give him a lot of money so when can have our next fucking Roland Emmerich.

    Let's not see movies like this anymore, okay? I know you can find the patience to wait for good work to see in the theatres. And plus, there is dvd. I saw the Treasure of the Sierra Madre, two disc set! on sale at fucking Costco for no less. Go buy that. Go watch it. Enjoy good cinema and stop fucking giving money to likes of roland emmerich.

  • unknown0


    gonna read that twice!

  • loudubs0

    need more writing like that

  • Jamesh0

    It's about time something like this come along.

    I miss the big-CG movies of the 90's.

    There are plenty of good movies out there with good writing especially in the indie realm.

    ..but sometimes it's nice to see earth bound asteroids, spaceships, natural disasters and monsters blowing shit up. Sometimes there just isn't time for good writing. (look what happend to A.I. when they tried to make a good storyline) blech!!

    and I do hate basic (good guy/bad guy) action movies.

  • tc_fisher0

    Jamesh, you are an enabler! fuck man. Stop and look at what you are doing. Don't play their game. Don't fucking sit down and say, well, I guess the indie people can write and there are like 15 of them now so we got plot covered over there and I'll just go and watch The Worlds Best Deep Core Driller, Bruce Willis save us from this asteroid that doesn't even resemble a real asteroid. Do you read shitty books? Do you say, oh, thanks Mr. Vonneguet for writing so well, but since you are there and you make stuff I can go ahead and get back to some fine sweet sweet Dean Koontz.

    Don't buy into it. Why can you have big ole' CG with some big ole character development? How can you say it's okay for the rolands of the world to make dumb shit and waste a lot of money that could be used to facilitate the likes of much better people and then say I don't like basic good guy/bad guy movies? Damnit Jamesh, I know you are smarter than this!0

    It's not jamesh's fault, though. And it's not just Roland. Look at Apple's Quicktime area of their website. They are paying Akamai or whomever so much money to present such poor content. Next summer is a steaming pile of shit of a movie blockbuster with enough CG to forget the idea of location shooting.

    Aliens vs. Predator. The only way you could pull something off like this is if it had abbot and costello in it. What the fuck is this? Is hollywood now fucking Marvel Comics, circa 1878, where they'd fucking team up anyone to sell a 32 pager? Seriously, have we fallen into a film version of a Scooby-Do paradox in which, shaggy, teamed up with fucking Ed Bagely Jr. trying to match wits with Nicholson's portrayal of the infamous Col. Nathan R. Jessep in All Few Good Men?

    Speaking of Marvel. That punisher movie, some how, looks worse than the original punisher movie. That is a feat never thought to be achieved. Ever.

    Resident Evil: Evilier -- I think most people understand that what keeps video games from becoming a viable medium of entertainment for people outside of the 12 - 22 years old bracket is the fact that most of the script are written by, 12 -22 year olds or stoners that have forgotten their grammer and creative writing classes. Yet, someone keeps giving Paul Anderson (the bad one) money. Wow. I think we might have found our new Roland Emmerich, everyone.

    So back to my point of the loss of short film visibility in movie theaters.

    Apple has itunes, which I'd imagine at some point, will start to court indie labels and independent musicians to show their wares through the store. At the same time, they have a ton of video content in the form of trailers on their site. If you are already buying into bandwith for re-cut - hope you see full 2 hour piece of shit -- why not start buying into original video content. I know a few people in the motion graphics world these days as well as numerous art and film school dropouts that are already showing their wares on the net but given that the internerd is so saturated as it is... It would be nice for one of the big boys to step up and set up shop and start to push the talent of the future that hopefully, one day, will take over hollywood and prime time tv for that matter and turn everything upside down and show the world what meaningful, creative original content can and will be. They had their industrial revolution. Where the fuck is ours?

  • gabriel_pc0

    damn, someone's a little bitter :-P

  • Jamesh0

    tc, Actually I despise probaly 98% of what hollywood puts out.

    Movies these days suck.

    And I really do like a good story. Especially movies that don't follow the typical hollywood method of storytelling.


    and that's a big butt...

    Sometimes it's best NOT to mix Shakespear with porn.

    Sometimes you want to skip the small talk, cuddling and the foreplay and go right for the good stuff.

    but if you could have the best of both worlds..obviously that would be nice.

    Matrix is trying...they just need to lose the main 'actor'.

  • blackspade0

    hmmm another disaster movie

    just in time as cyclone's and fires destroy lifes

    keep the people scared

  • Mimio0

    Natural disasters, varieties of human suffering all make for compelling backdrops to love stories featuring today's faces of Hollywood.

  • tc_fisher0

    I'd like porn a helluva lot better if the scripts were as good as some of the fucking.

    And keanu reeves isn't the problem with the matrix. The matrix is the problem with the matrix. You know what would be genius? To fucking NOT make sequels to your semi-smart first film just because you made a lot of money and you have the chance to make more. I think it's obvious that the bros didn't think about a plot after the first film. I know it's been said they have, but really. Look at the other two. Something went missing between the first and the sequal. And that’s integrity. And a plot and dialogue. That's what went missing from the other two (or at least the second one -- I'll get to watching the third one here at some point. And, I'm getting the feeling that the second one is more or less kill bill vol1 -- a useless feature that could have been cut down to twenty minutes and attached to the other to make a better, well rounded film)

    You should treat your cinema like a girlfriend. I'll give you a dollar if you can get away from the small talk, cuddling and foreplay and go right to the fucking. But the main concern is that you SHOULDN'T want to skip all of the good stuff. Go rent a video game to get to the action. Or a dvd to skip through all of the talking.

    Everyone has bought into this kind of filmmaking like we bought into the iraq war or the idea of green ketchup. Our theater screens now, are no different than prime time tv. Fucking old men thinking they know what's good for america because they watched some late night BBC and can hire some hack to shit out some scripts and call it a sundae. Or something. There is a reason that box office takes now drop after the second weekend with unbelievable numbers. It's the same reason why networks cancel shows that have only played 2 times. The content sucks.

    And shakespear was totally into porn!

  • BXCAR0
  • unknown0

    I don't hate the Matrix, don't love it either.
    Didn't see part two and didn't even know that part 3 came out last night.

    So much hype for such a worthless movie that people take way too seriously.

    What's wrong with The Matrix is what's wrong with kids who get excited about a new color of M&M's: At the end of the day you're still you and you've wasted a ton of time rationalizing things that don't matter one bit to the grand scheme of life, but are treated as if they do.