The Day After Tomorrow

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • tc_fisher0

    Jamesh, you are an enabler! fuck man. Stop and look at what you are doing. Don't play their game. Don't fucking sit down and say, well, I guess the indie people can write and there are like 15 of them now so we got plot covered over there and I'll just go and watch The Worlds Best Deep Core Driller, Bruce Willis save us from this asteroid that doesn't even resemble a real asteroid. Do you read shitty books? Do you say, oh, thanks Mr. Vonneguet for writing so well, but since you are there and you make stuff I can go ahead and get back to some fine sweet sweet Dean Koontz.

    Don't buy into it. Why can you have big ole' CG with some big ole character development? How can you say it's okay for the rolands of the world to make dumb shit and waste a lot of money that could be used to facilitate the likes of much better people and then say I don't like basic good guy/bad guy movies? Damnit Jamesh, I know you are smarter than this!0

    It's not jamesh's fault, though. And it's not just Roland. Look at Apple's Quicktime area of their website. They are paying Akamai or whomever so much money to present such poor content. Next summer is a steaming pile of shit of a movie blockbuster with enough CG to forget the idea of location shooting.

    Aliens vs. Predator. The only way you could pull something off like this is if it had abbot and costello in it. What the fuck is this? Is hollywood now fucking Marvel Comics, circa 1878, where they'd fucking team up anyone to sell a 32 pager? Seriously, have we fallen into a film version of a Scooby-Do paradox in which, shaggy, teamed up with fucking Ed Bagely Jr. trying to match wits with Nicholson's portrayal of the infamous Col. Nathan R. Jessep in All Few Good Men?

    Speaking of Marvel. That punisher movie, some how, looks worse than the original punisher movie. That is a feat never thought to be achieved. Ever.

    Resident Evil: Evilier -- I think most people understand that what keeps video games from becoming a viable medium of entertainment for people outside of the 12 - 22 years old bracket is the fact that most of the script are written by, 12 -22 year olds or stoners that have forgotten their grammer and creative writing classes. Yet, someone keeps giving Paul Anderson (the bad one) money. Wow. I think we might have found our new Roland Emmerich, everyone.

    So back to my point of the loss of short film visibility in movie theaters.

    Apple has itunes, which I'd imagine at some point, will start to court indie labels and independent musicians to show their wares through the store. At the same time, they have a ton of video content in the form of trailers on their site. If you are already buying into bandwith for re-cut - hope you see full 2 hour piece of shit -- why not start buying into original video content. I know a few people in the motion graphics world these days as well as numerous art and film school dropouts that are already showing their wares on the net but given that the internerd is so saturated as it is... It would be nice for one of the big boys to step up and set up shop and start to push the talent of the future that hopefully, one day, will take over hollywood and prime time tv for that matter and turn everything upside down and show the world what meaningful, creative original content can and will be. They had their industrial revolution. Where the fuck is ours?

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