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  • e-pill0

    just went to get some breakfast. walking past the fountain in front of the hotel and on the ground there was stack of cash. 800RMB about $125. I quickly snatch it up looking around and in front of me I see a woman and a small child about 2 years old walking. I notice the child has 100RMB bills in his hand and every few steps a bill or 2 fall to the ground. the mother seemed to not even notice. I pick up all the cash and call the mother out. I hand her all the money. at first she had no idea what it was. as she clearly didn't understand my English. but when she noticed the lack of cash in her sons hand. she smiled and handed me one of the 100RMB bills. which I bought my breakfast with.

    • Video of your life in China or it didn't happen...CanHasQBN
    • good way to start your day e :)sea_sea
  • CanHasQBN0

    Anytime someone asks me if I'm aware about a certain current event, I always tell them yes... because of QBN. I swear it's really the only site I need. Design, Tech, News, Cats, Photos, Videos, COTD. I have yet to find a site that compares.

    • +1monospaced
    • same. reddit helps a bit and a few local newspapers time to time - but qbn is the place to be.inteliboy
    • I concur. This place is faster than news channel.pango
  • autoflavour0

    not been paying attention, but i just watched the reboot of Evangelion tonight.. Evangelion : You are (not) alone..

    it was pretty fucking awesome.. even though i was watching on TV, in German..

    still.. looks amazing..

  • inteliboy0

    Never understood Evangelion - seems like a cool story / visuals, though basically they made an anime in the late 90's, and now keep re-releasing it as re-edit versions?

    • i concur.pango
    • its pretty layered. there is a lot to digest. The reboot is basically condensing it down into 4 movies, instead of 12 episodesautoflavour
    • episodes.. it definitely was easier to watch, but as anime goes, its by far the best imhoautoflavour
  • drgs0

    a cool feature of running Windows in Parallels on your Mac is that you can spend hours editing a file which happens to be in Mac OS's trash bin, and then empty it afterwards not being aware of this

  • omg0

    I hate people who ask designers for many options. So a good response would be to ask, "So you want one good option, and two sucky options? And you want me to see if you're an idiot who'll pick the sucky ones?"

    • I hate this too. Multiple options = less time to work on each one, which = lots of crappy concepts.CanHasQBN
    • undeveloped i'd say, not crappyalbums
    • well.. yeah.CanHasQBN
    • I hate it when designers say they're incapable of making multiple good options. If you can only do one, you're fucked.monospaced
    • Most of the time you should come up with 20+ and narrow it down. It's only after the first 15 that you get a good one anyway.monospaced
    • The first few are always expected and predictable and cliche and, y'know, basically shit anywaymonospaced
    • The problem is asking for a bunch of concepts on a short(er) deadline.CanHasQBN
    • I've heard that presenting options shows indecision. But I'm not so sure. It could be. Maybe not.MrT
    • mono, i was talking about websites. Sounds like you're talking about logos.CanHasQBN
    • Initially presenting options is a great thing, though if you're doing more than 2-3 then something's wrong.inteliboy
    • I'm NOT talking about logos. That's just insulting. I'm not talking about sites either, that's even more insultingmonospaced
    • So we should come up with 20+ website concepts?CanHasQBN
  • georgesIII0
    • lolomg
    • Mommy's making you a brother!CanHasQBN
    • skip to 5:42, fuck that, I watching the whole fucking thing, so fuck you!utopian
    • hahahaha whoops!cruddlebub
  • omg0

    religion- unites the dead into a splendid empire,

  • MrT0

    I dislike my client who wants a new logo for their business cards because they've 'gone off' the version that they loved 3 weeks ago... and the version they committed to having embroidered into the product range. I am a fuckhead magnet.

    • I pity you.pango
    • : )MrT
    • As long as they're wiling to pay you for the work, you should be kissing their feet.monospaced
  • monospaced0

    I'm going to see Sigur Ros tomorrow night in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. And then I'm going to call in "sick" on Wednesday because: a) I just wrapped up two huge projects and need a break, and b) I want to have fun and sleep in after a night out.

    • i like your styleautoflavour
    • mind you, personally, I think B) is the only reason you need..autoflavour
    • haha, for sure, but a) is my way of justifying to my dedicated-to-work selfmonospaced
    • seen them in Oakland once, good mellow night that was.moldero
  • albums0

    Do you fingerboard? Do your kids? Some insight...

    I got my old Tech Deck stuff out about a month ago to play with a few of my friend's kids. Since then, I've gotten back into fingerboarding & have given away all my old plastic boards except 2 and upgraded to every possible newer model Tech Deck makes.

    Plastic Competition: $7 - $13
    Same size as the standard Tech Deck. Nose and tail are a bit more pointy, less bulbous than the standard. No concave. Good for getting a case & 2 sets of competition wheels / trucks. No bearings. Comes with custom grip tape to match the deck (instead of Tech Deck branded) but in my opinion the deck is worthless.

    Wooden Collector: $9 - $15
    This deck is just like a standard Tech Deck plastic but made of wood. Comes with the same trucks/wheels as the standard plastic Tech Deck. Only worth it if you want to "collect". Still fun to play with as it's wood, but compared to the larger decks, there's no comparison in regards to control. I run a set of competition trucks on mine without risers.

    Wood Competition: $10 - $25
    Board is slightly larger than the plastic & collector deck. Nice kicks & deep concave. Only one set of competition wheels / trucks. No storage case. No bearings. Comes with risers, adds a bit of pop. I run this as is, no bushings or pivot cups.

    Expert SK8: $15-$20
    Wood board much larger (wider & longer) than Wood Competition. Deep concave & kick. One set of trucks/wheels. Trucks are nice, includes rubber pivot cups & bushings. The bearing wheels are shit. 2 of them froze up / stopped rolling within a day. I run my expert with risers & competition trucks outfitted with bushings / pivot cups from a plastic Tech Deck longboard.

    Consensus being, I don't use plastic boards anymore, too thick / small / unresponsive. The larger boards help maintain control. Using rubber bushings with brass hardware loosens your trucks and allows them to return to center instead of holding position or being too stiff as you get from plastic bushings.

    All that said if you're still reading this nonsense... Don't buy Tech Deck anything if you're into or want to get into fingerboarding.

    4Corner or ProWood will get you started between $25 - $35 complete with single bearing wheels. If you want to spend $$$, you can head to FlatFace & buy a complete setup including tunable trucks & dual bearing wheels for upwards of $129 - $145.

    Considering what I spent on my collection, consisting of 2 Competitions; wood & plastic, Wood Collector, and Expert SK8 since getting the box back out (about $45), I should have just bought a nicer custom complete... at least I'd have bearings rolling under my fingers.

    Finally, you see a lot of people (kids & adults alike) using the thin foam rubber rip tape or grippy tape on their fingerboards, this is a soft somewhat porous surface that allows you control over your board during tricks, it's become the industry standard... Who cares!? I run real Jessup griptape (as do my friends) made of scraps from gripping our real boards. Just FYI there. It's a rougher grit compared to the fine grit offered by Tech Deck and you're still running griptape instead of foam for that sense of realism.

    • I fingerbang... is it soemthing like that?PonyBoy
    • what the hell albums. get rid of this stuff and go buy yourself a new gun. you'd get more info on a fingerboard forum...CanHasQBN
    • fingerboarding leads to excellent fingerbanging. If you fingerbang well, you'll take to fingerboardingalbums
    • this explains so muchautoflavour
  • BattleAxe0

    So she tells me to text her and maybe we can meet up after my shift. I text her and get no reply back , oh well I say. I meet up with my friends and go have some beers. She enters the same spot , I am excited to see her but dressed like a slob cause I just gotten off work. I work at a bar. She comes and says hello, I pull up a seat for her and her cousin . She walks away and sits at another table with some dude , she gives him a kiss. bummed me out , cause I had a major crush on her. On to the next one

    • Ouch. Really ouch. A peck on the cheek or tongue?CanHasQBN
    • a kiss on the lips , she had just given me her # two days agoBattleAxe
    • so call her and stop acting like the other guy matters.albums
  • scarabin0

    everything is ridiculous

  • BattleAxe0

    What would you do>

    Ok so I have been homeless for about 4+ months, not on the street type but staying with family and Friends every other week it is here or there . This week I finally get my retirement check I cashed out from a Fund . I will be able to get my own place and be ok with a part time job for maybe 9 months, till funds are pretty much dry.

    I got offered a full time job but love my Bar Job even if it is min wage , just love working there. The question becomes would you keep more free time but lot less money and use the free time to find a better situation ? Or take up two jobs be out of the red and live comfortably , loose all free time, more money ?

    Would you work like a Slave 60+ hrs two jobs two sides of town

    • deal drugs and have lots of free timeCALLES
    • you are homeless yet you bother coming to QBN for advice.. seems like poor life choicesautoflavour
    • and to be honest, cashing out your retirement check.. bad move.. unless you are planning on retiringautoflavour
    • Why do you want free time when you´re not able to "feed yourself"? If you´re young, work as hard as you can...OBBTKN
    • yup, get to work. and put that money in some kind of investment. you will regret eating and partying your retirement cash away.sea_sea
    • retirement cash away. don't do it. save as much of it as possible. and get your ass to work.sea_sea
    • how old are you?monospaced
    • job offer never came , so back in same sit , been looking for work for over a yr now , yes ...BattleAxe
    • I have made very bad choices in my life but I'm still here , im 31BattleAxe
    • change careers and network moree-pill
    • 60 hours a weeks seems easy.. i put in 75 on an easy week and 85 on the tough ones..e-pill
    • though i work 6 days a week.. you got to get out of your groove and or something new.e-pill
    • got the job after all , on the up and up , maybe save for more school now , become a scientistBattleAxe
  • albums0

    A congratulatory calculator is an awesome toy if you give it to the right kid. Ever seen hot potato played with a calculator being passed around by 9 year old kids? It's pretty cool. "You got it right!, PASS IT PASS IT!"…

  • monospaced0

    Sigur Rós is great live. Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday night if I do say so myself. Did anyone else make it to their Brooklyn show last night?

    • I watched them a few years back in Berlin.. very cool.. very loud though.. it was like 1 big songautoflavour
    • that just kept getting louder and louder and louderautoflavour
    • seen em in Oakland at some really nice theater, liked it a lotmoldero
    • my stories have no real point. sorryautofIavour
  • utopian0

    Chips Ahoy still makes a damn good chocolate chip cookie!

  • ali0

    My new workplace makes Days of Our Lives look like a walk in the park. Is there any salary that is worth your sanity?

  • e-pill0

    just finished watching Porky's, Porky's 2 and Porky's Revenge.
    fucking love those movies!!

    • my mom rented Porky's for us when we were 8 yrs old , she thought it was Porky PigBattleAxe
    • I thought it was Porky Pig when I read e-pill's postdrgs
  • scarabin0