Self-taught designers

Out of context: Reply #13

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    Totally, but for AIGA to poo-poo on people who didn't study design is completely egregious and self-serving to no end. Then, to attempt to strengthen that argument via allegations that entrepreneurism & technological advancement are to blame for the oh-so-sad plight of the elitist designer (in a thriving economy, btw), makes me want to reach through my beautiful 19" LCD and rip this guy's throat out.

    I mean seriously, there are impressionable young kids out there who are deciding what to do with their lives based on this jerkoff's opinion? Did that dude study entrepreneurism? Did he study technology and information systems? Does he know anything about microeconomics? Or is he as much of a business ignoramus as I am a designer hack? well, we'll just have to wait for his next brilliant installment. Oh, the anticipation! fizz.

    (that said, i genuinely tip my hat to most anybody who has a degree in design, let alone two, but isn't an elitist. in my experience, your class represents the very best the design community has to offer.)

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