Help me name my hipster

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • randoman0

    Here is a picture of it from a couple nights ago (actually the same night I went to pick it up from my uncles).

    We had to walk through the LES to the L train to get back to the Burg. On the way, my hipster spotted these two from across the street and howeled something in the likes of "Hey you fry guy's... why you wearin' black when you know you wanna be rocki'n the pink. Rock silly with yer wet n' willy!".

    After you view the picture you'll find out what happened in the seconds following... Good thing I don't look like a hipster, apparently these guys did'nt know this hipster was mine, and didn't mess with me.

    It did however, bring up the issue of warrenty, and how long my hipster would last.

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