Gomery Inquiry 2005

Out of context: Reply #18

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    I agree Magic Patch. The next 10 years belong to the baby boomers and we're going to see a lot more conservative views. I don't think the conservatives will take power, but the liberals will run a bluer platform in order to cater to the voting majority.

    But, after that decade then it's "our time to shine" and I think we'll see some major shifts in how the feds operate. I think then we'll finally be able to see the semblance of a balance between the public and private sectors.

    I'm hoping we will at least. If we can get someone like Pettigrew as PM to maintain the economy and someone like, oh, say, David Suzuki running Evironment Canada then we'd have a hell of a team. Two smart people that can work together.

    The saddest thing I see right now is that we're in a prime position to show the world that a national economy can not only survive but thrive with the creation of a real green economy sector. And right now we've got all the cash to do it. We're freakin' rich right now as a nation and we're sitting on our hands.

    If we were to invest even 10% of the cash we have into green technologies then 10 years from now we'd make it all back 10 fold selling the tech to the rest of the world.

    And Martin knows this. If there's anything the man knows how to do it's make cash. Plus, he's shown that he can be trusted to manage the environment as well. So, that tells me that he would be open to the idea of developing a green economy in Canada. If only the conservatives would fuck off and let him do it.

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