Creativity/Madness link

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • exador10

    my oldest buddy went crazy.

    without a doubt the most incredible artist i've ever known..
    kid had the midas touch..
    everything he did was a work of genius.

    became probably the best artist in our school growing up....certainly the most inventive/creative..

    decided in highschool to learn the guitar around the same time as i did..
    by the time i had mastered 'crazy train' s opening lick, he could play 'flight of the bumble bee' (yep..the superfast classical song) NOTE FOR NOTE perfect...
    he could also play the theme song from charlie brown...the one that starts with that base line, and has that doo do doo do do do do doooo doo....
    he could play BOTH parts with two doing the base line, the other finger tapping the harmony doo doo part..

    best young creative writer in school...
    turned me on to franz kaffka back in 10th grade..
    he'd allready been in to him for sometime, and thought i'd dig it..
    now, who the fuck knows about franz fucking kaffka at that age?

    anyhow, he came up to toronto around the same time as me to go to college, but kind of lost his mind somewhere...
    started not going to class, smoked a bit too much weed, started being odd...
    (he always was a very sensitive type guy..)
    then he just kinda dropped out of life alltogether..
    my mom told me later that he'd ended up in the psycho ward of our hometown hospital for the whole summer..
    i came back for a visit, and had him over to our house out in the country..
    and he was different..
    something broke.

    his sense of humour was still intact tho..
    told me he was in there with a guy that said he was rommel...the nazi general...
    later, the guy decided he was David lee roth..
    when my friend asked him to sing a bit to prove it, he said 'no'..
    'you just have to take it on faith'...

    thought that was pretty cute.

    anyhow, he was and will always remain the single most inspired artist i've ever and will ever know..

    its just a shame he couldn't emotionally handle life.

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