Annoying co-workers

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • pixelbreaker0

    i know how you feel, it's a nightmare, but i kind of figured, if you like where you work, then you gotta just bite your tongue and get on with it, if you don't like someone at work, you don't have to talk to them outside work, but at work, you'll feel a lot better if you just try and rise above it. I've spent many month hating on people at work over the years, and it's better to just rise above them, seeing as they don't feel bad, why should you? its pretty self destructive, and of course, it's easier to blame them than to try and better yourself. It aint easy though, I've considered quitting many times, but i like the work i'm doing, so don't want to move to somewhere eles that probably has even more wankers.

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