outsourcing to india

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • mg330

    To hell with outsourcing.

    fingercore, I agree with you.
    Just furthering the conversation...
    I don't have a problems with Indians getting jobs. What I do have a problem with is Indians getting jobs at the expense of AMericans being laid off so the corporation they work for can spend less on employees and a few select board members at the top of the organization can get a much fatter bonus or paycheck because they came up with such an ingenious solution as to fire their American staff and pay people thousands of miles away 1/4 of what they were paying the Americans.
    It's shit and I hate it.

    NAFTA was such a great thing 10 years ago...And now? NAFTA is responsible for an insane amount of out of work Americans who worked in factories and had skilled jobs, but lost them to Mexicans just across the borders in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California.
    My stepdad works in such an industry, ultrasonic welding, and the town in Connecticut where they were headquartered has a vacant factory, and a town on the other side of El Paso has a beautiful, modern new factory where they same things are being made by people being paid so much less.

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