staff parties!

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • exador0

    so, this one time, my boys and i are moonlighting from the police academy at this little bar up the way...
    we're flexin, drinkin, and lookin mighty intimidating, if i don't say so myself...
    in come these to guys...
    walkin up all 'hey lookat me!, i'm important, im a somebody"
    so is says to myself, hey..self...these two guys need a holiday beating...
    my boys and i lay into them, starting with a flying clothesline, arms out, knocking em sensless..

    yall know what im talking about..
    dropping the sweet science man..

    then my bud grabs the less drunk guy and feeds him to the wall...
    but the capper was when our sargeant came out, and layed a fine or 2 on em...
    har har har....
    that was a classic move...made me feel like i was a part of something really great...

    cops ARE great!
    and thats 'ass-whoopin', hippy...


    jez kiddin hiphoprelic...i couldn't resist...and the follow ups seem to be the best part of this thread..

    i hope you weren't too badly roughed up sounded like a pretty bad way to end the night...

    • you sound like a real must be so proud.formula
    • :)formula

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