kill bill 02

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • del_razor0

    i got privy to the script of the whole thing about 4 months ago... after i had already seen part 1..

    i must say.. this second one will be very emotional/action oriented..

    the ending.. / toward the ending.. gets a lot more emotional than i thought it would.. any feelings you had for uma when she woke out of her coma.. are going to be doubled over by this one.. with the meeting of her and Bill at the end..

    the final show-down between the bride and bill seems VERY anti-climatic.. as it sounds short.. but the visual style will pull it through.. i'm sure of that..

    anyway.. i'm going to see it tonight.. any lucky monkies out there who get to see it on their lunch break need to report back here and let us know what you think without spilling beans ;)

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