
Out of context: Reply #73614

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  • shapesalad2

    What time you wake up on average?

    I'm aiming for 6am.

    Have been going to bed at 10pm ~ 10.30pm

    So far it's been great.

    Rather than having my working day time-off in the evening — when it's dark and you're tired.

    Now my time off is during a lovely quiet sunrise— while my brain is sharp.

    • signs you're getting oldgrafician
    • Probably.shapesalad
    • I’ve been doing similar for years, it’s fantastic. I do it 7 days per week and I haven’t used an alarm in years.nb
    • ^I do the same. wake up time varies through the year, around 5.30 atm.uan
    • Do you have to get up that early to stop you wetting the bed? I've wanted to do this, but I can't seem to find a reason whyIanbolton
    • 7:30 for work, 9:00-10:30 weekendsdrgs
    • Who eats ass at 6am?palimpsest
    • 5:30-6am weekdays, 6:30-7:30 on weekends if alone in bed. A bit later when with a girl.NBQ00
    • I read this message at 4:53am. Since then I’ve bathed, eaten, and walked my dog. It’s not even 6:30 yetimbecile
    • 6am-7am for work, until 18-19... 7am-8am weekendsOBBTKN
    • That's what's fun about a nursing home.palimpsest
    • I'm an early bird, too. Get up between 5 and 6am, go to bed early, too. No phone in bedroom ever.SimonFFM
    • I'm an early bird too. I just never saw it as a flex.palimpsest
    • Same same Simon. Young kids dictate this for me tho. My 5-5:30 is really my only alone timemisterhow
    • Always varies. Was going to shoot a new lens this morning, so I woke up at 4. But it's fucking pouring and the bastard's not WR so I'm SOL.garbage
    • 5:01 timestamp. Just going to work out, shower and go back to bed.garbage
    • Like 10amscarabin
    • 11pm - 7ammaquito
    • I never fully wakeup.section_014
    • I wake up whenever I feel like it.pinkfloyd
    • 8am, start work at 9ish finish around 18:30ish. Keep in mind Spain is in the wrong time zone.Chimp
    • depends. I used to be a night-owl, up working til 1-2am... but my wife absolutely hated that. At the start of the pandemic, i realized what i actually like isexador1
    • 6am, start work at 6:15amformed
    • peace and quiet when i work, so rather than late nights, i switched to waking up at 6am. was easier than i thought. get up, go for a walk, make a coffee, thenexador1
    • usually start work around 7am or so...exador1
    • Bed 1am to 3am
      Wake 10am to 11am
    • 12pm-6.30am .. work at 10.amneverscared
    • 12 am - 6.30 amneverscared
    • 7-7:30 during the week depending on my son. 9am on Saturdays when my wife gets up early with him.aliastime
    • Kids dictate when I get up too. Wife and I take turns each day of who gets kids up and ready for the day and the other gets a lie-in for an xtra hour or so.microkorg
    • Usually about 6-7 kids are up.
      If we didnt have kids we wouldn't be up that early. Definitely not early birds. I art/music late into the night.
    • My cat allows me to sleep in till 7am most of the time.bezoar
    • 6:30am 7 days a week, I cant sleep in even if i tryYakuZoku
    • 4:30 2-3 days max usually for some petting on zoom or skype, but 5-6ish average.
      10am to 1pm on weekends.
    • I just can't do early wake (before 9am). I go to bed 2-3am, wake between 9-10am. No matter how hard it try my body can't wake up before 9.ArmandoEstrada
    • I try to wake up art 05:00 for a year now but I mostly manage 05:30. I go to bed around 12:00. I lack sleep but I can't really fall earlier.oey_oey
    • If the bedroom is cold and dark enough, I can sleep past 12drgs
    • I couldn't sleep past 7 if you paid me.stoplying
    • My 4 year old has us up at break of dawn. The infant has one of us up around then also. I don’t really slee anymore.monospaced
    • Up at 6ish every day because two kelpies. Bed 10ish. Wouldn't have it any other way. No alarms unless travelling and who's done any of that recently.MrT
    • 12am-7am Mon-Sat
      12am-8am Sun

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