Proud dads...

Out of context: Reply #397

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  • mg331

    And, word of advice for any of you dads or dads-to-be that are prone to losing your cool, shouting, getting pissed off and in those moments forget that you can't reason with your little ones the way you can adults...

    make sure you take the time to apologize to them, look each other in the eyes, and acknowledge that you were wrong. Get on their level, not towering over them, and make sure they know you're sorry.

    Speaking from occasional experience, most recently this morning when the arguing, thrashing refusing to take off a night-time diaper and put on underwear, don't want to get up and start my routine, want to stay in bed all day don't want to go to school side of my daughter reared it's ugly head this morning.

    • her brain is growing, she is pushing society boundaries - be calm and firm, you're not telling her off, you're marking where social boundaries lie.shapesalad
    • by social boundaries - I mean, she is learning how far you can push boundaries - simply, why do I have to take a diaper off.shapesalad
    • It's you job to calmly mark the boundary, you take a diaper off as if you wear it for a week it's stink, leak and you'll get an infection.shapesalad
    • She'll try again to not take it off, so now you show you mean business and this a boundary. So a count down to 5 and it must be off.shapesalad
    • You might have to act out what happens when you get to 1 and she hasn't take diaper off. Such as no bed time story etc. Next time, she won't push the issue.shapesalad
    • because she's learnt where the boundary is, and how far she can push you.shapesalad
    • well.. that's how I've understood it from seeing my nephew grow up. what do I know...shapesalad
    • thanks, mg33 ... I'm almost in tears reading this it's that importantmonospaced
    • appologiesed to our wee 2yo this afternoon. were meant to be napping after a long long morning and afternoon but she kept fucking about and i was wantin 2 sleepmicrokorg
    • i moaned at her a few times and raised my voice too - properly tired and pissed off. But after felt bad about it. she just wanted to play and talk.microkorg

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