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Out of context: Reply #1613

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  • M01XXX-6

    All the tech companies/ smartphone makers who make only screens with rounded corners and rounded edges. There's nearly no top smartphone out there with pixel-perfect straight screens and corners anymore. It's like they do this just to show that they can bend screens and make them with rounded corners. So annoying.

    I want a high-end professional nearly bezel-less phone a la Samsung Galaxy S9 or iPhone X but with precise straight edges and sharp corners.

    Hope this trend & fad is over soon.

    • Yea, think of all that content you're missing out on.

    • I want my pixels!

      Really can't wait for futuristic next-gen smartphones that are totally flat and sharp corners.
    • Not very comfy thoughset
    • my perspective is from film camera / displays - but these guys have fucking destroyed and created so much mess in the industry, all so they can profit with nomugwart
    • care about product / consumer. [spits bile]mugwart
    • i'm not fan of the rounded corner.utopian
    • Sony Xperia XZ2 , Huawei Mate Pro 10dmay
    • lol setGuyFawkes
    • little kids will blind themselves on the corners of this phonesarahfailin
    • I think you sorta have a point. I can see this style coming in at some point for sure.monospaced

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