Proud dads...

Out of context: Reply #326

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  • HijoDMaite1

    My oldest is a Junior in H.S. she just took her first rounds of SATs and got a pretty damn good score. All the university letters are coming in the mail and by email now, I am stoked to see these schools wanting her to apply even if I know they are just sending us "marketing materials" still nice to see all the options. Got one from Oregon ducks yesterday and I started to tell her all about the school and their sports programs etc. She is opening up to leaving the state now.

    It's funny because you try to instill responsible decision making skills in their lives that are not driven by emotion and then they do things that make you go, "huh, I guess that makes sense.."

    She has told us that she wants to be a teacher and that she will be attending our local state college (inexpensive, same city) and she would like to get a B.A. with a teaching credential all done in five years. She would like to live at home and work while in school. All in hopes to not accrue any debt before graduation. Here I am still paying thousands of dollars in school loans and struggling with my debt to income ratio...

    There is a part of me that wishes she would go to a big Pac Ten school, or an Ivy league college, but I realize that is my selfishness. She doesn't give a shit about any of that, haha. I hate it when they listen! Anyway she promised that she will apply to Berkeley, UCLA and Stanford. Just to make me happy. :-)

    • First off, you should be PROUD that she's this accomplished and grown up. But, I agree, she should head out and not plan to live at home for another 5 yearsmonospaced
    • I'm a solid 17 years from this, but I hope my kid wants to leave as badly as I did at that age :) Imagine expecting free food/rent from parents for that long!monospaced
    • Did you start a college fund yet?HijoDMaite

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