Star Wars: Rogue One

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • autoflavour0

    just watched..


    entertaining definitely.
    lots of stylistic departures from the originals.. small things that just felt like they were forced..

    spoilers following.. so dont read

    first of all, no crawl.
    i guess their argument is that this fits neatly between 3 and 4 .. so its not technically an episode.. also as you watch, you realise how neatly they join the 2 trilogies..

    but still.. CRAWL

    the film title itself is weird outlined font, feels like a film student made it..

    and then the even stranger star war's theme but not star wars theme.. it was jarring ..

    the music in general kept hinting at the originals, but not in a homage kind of way, but a "we know people already like this, so we are going to just tweak it a bit".. even phantom menace, for all its flaws and shit, had a strong soundtrack.. themes you would remember..

    Sadly, Rogue one continues Force Awakens in that regard.. no ear worm themes..

    another interesting addition were the constant titles of each planet they went to .. it felt like some weird documentary..

    in fact there were quite a few parts to this film that left me feeling like this..

    safe choices with enough variation to not be able to say its just an echo .

    c3po and r2d2 didnt need a scene.. especially given its length

    Generally the acting was pretty good.. some very clunky dialogue tho..

    3D General Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia were convincing, but there was just no way to suspend the knowledge they were 3d.. not because they werent well rendered, but as you just know what Carrie Fisher and Peter Cushing look like now days.. (old and dead)

    the dead eye syndrome still isnt resolved.

    lots of shooting, lots of fighting.. felt a bit obvious..

    and once again, a fucking story about a father and a child..

    Interestingly I watched it 9:30pm Day of release here in Sydney and the cinema was about 2/3 empty.. more even..
    which was definitely strange.

    It really didnt leave me a burning desire to return to see it again.. i just watched force awakens a few days ago, and while different, it felt at least it was painting within the lines.. Rogue one definitely felt like Disney was wanting to break off some of the expectations star wars fans will have of a stars wars film while not actually making enough move bold enough to feel it was necessary..

    blah blah i know its just a film, and its always going to be held against an impossible standard and memory.. and it wasnt all bad.. it just didnt engage me as much as force awakens did..
    now granted Force Awakens was just rehashing tropes that would trigger emotional response.. but every time Rogue one attempted that, it just felt forced or worse, expected ..

    visually some nice stuff, but also just felt a lot of generic explosions and paint by numbers stuff..

    • just watched force awakens AGAIN a few days agoautoflavour
    • "the dead eye syndrome still isnt resolved." +1pablo28
    • really? It's like we watched 2 different films. I take it you liked force awakens? This was definitely for the fans who were disappointed by thatfadein11
    • trajan, the movie font! yeah, no crawljaylarson

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