
Out of context: Reply #64735

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  • freedom-6

    How do you get this fat? Mostly eating habits? Bad genetics?

    • gens play a lot, how your body handles sugar and fat. or psychological reasons for example it's enough to get molested as a child.sted
    • or do sitting work 14-12 hours, without any exercise, and eat junk.sted
    • genes and never been told you look like a goddamm whale + fat acceptance movement and never moving to sweedenGeorgesII
    • awwe.since1979
    • Eat too much
      Eat bad food
      Have low metabilism
      Have fat parents
      Have fat friends
      Don't exercise
    • lol @Have fat friends :DDsted
    • I saw plenty of large people in Sweden.fruitsalad
    • Slowly, but surely. I'd argue that genes play very little. People overestimate how much they eat, get very little exercise, and get fat as fuck.section_014
    • combo all of the above with depressionand low self esteem.dirtydesign
    • depression + advances in healthcare to take care of fat people diseases + junk food + fat acceptance as if it were something to stand forfeel
    • I think the #1 factor is the inactive lifestyles we lead. If people were active all day none of those other factors would matter so much.yuekit
    • regardless of weight, she's fucking hilarious. her and Cecily on SNL are pretty great on their 'girl chat' sketch...exador1
    • genes? lol. being this fat was a freak show even just 100 years ago.inteliboy
    • Genes play a lot. I workout 4-5 a week if not ill look like my family (all obese). Im about 30 pounds over. My eating is ok, could be better, but not crazy.ArmandoEstrada
    • 1. be America.
      I keed. But seriously, she's not that bad, plenty of dudes after that her and we're a-ok with all of them.
    • John Candy, Chris farley, tony soprano, kevin james, that fat talentless hack that plays in all those seth rogan and michael sera movies._niko
    • seth rogan, fucking Biggie smalls, big Pun, the fat boys, every fat bastard o-lineman in football. Yokozuna, Andre the motherfucking French Giant_niko
    • big bonesIRNlun6
    • ask your mother?face_melter
    • MICROBES. Fuck all to do with genes.Ianbolton
    • It's the food, I stayed in L.A for 6 months and gained 20lbs doing my regular shitty food routine. GMO's baby!ArchitectofFate
    • gf read an article about how newborns are getting larger and larger so i agree.sted

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