
Out of context: Reply #1596

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  • ETM0

    iOS 10 is such a pile. Since updating to it it keeps randomly deleting wifi settings. Not even on a restart. It's just drops them randomly. ALL of them.

    Every network I frequent I have to now rejoin with credentials constantly. My cell data bill is through the roof because I keep losing wifi without realizing it. I turn cell data off for now and I keep finding it back on again, not even after a restart.

    It's a wide spread issue and Apple keeps saying to just restart your device or it's a router problem. Really? Every router I've ever connected with suddenly has problems? And the thousands of online complaints to the same are a coincidence? Even people with AirPort?

    And this is far from the first wifi issue after an update they have had where they deny and take forever to release a fix. How hard is testing wifi to the nth degree before releasing?

    So done. Surface Pro and Google Pixel time.

    TL;DR - Apple = toilet

    • 'Apple = toilet' love it.detritus
    • Surface Pro.sted
    • see belowcraigatkinson
    • Android is great, I don't regret the move at all.section_014
    • @ETM whats your experience of Win10? Esp using external monitors?craigatkinson
    • Driver support is better. A lot of the people who had early issue had one vid port on-board and the other an after market card. Not had issues with most...ETM
    • ... dual-head cards.ETM
    • seems to be an issue with scaling though on lower res screens than the sp4 screencraigatkinson
    • Ah, thought you just meant win10 and dual displays in general. Not using SP4 specifically as the source.ETM
    • win10 with a second display of lower res than the main one.craigatkinson
    • Not had that issue. You can adjust the dpi scaling of each monitor independently.ETM

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