
Out of context: Reply #21846

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    Apparently this is a good book and already selling on Amazon. Stumbled across it on WikiLeaks



    By Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
    With an Introduction by Kathleen Willey


    How Bill and Hillary Led a Decades-Long Campaign of Sexual Assault, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups
    Hillary Clinton is running for president as an "advocate of women and girls," but the hypocritical way she treats women in her personal quest for power could only be described as waging a war on women. In the stunning exposé The Clintons' War On Women, New York Times bestselling author and longtime U.S. political insider Roger Stone reveals how Bill and Hillary Clinton systematically abuse women and others - sexually, physically, and psychologically - in their scramble for power and wealth. The book will be released October 13th and can be pre-ordered now on-line.

    The authors map the arc of Bill and Hillary's crimes and cover-ups, starting with details about their crimes in Arkansas, as well as Bill Clinton's time in the White House, Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State, their time at the Clinton Foundation, and concluding with Hillary's current campaign for president.

    "If Hillary intends to build her campaign around an appeal to women, her campaign is built on quicksand," says Stone, who unravels the Clintons' many crimes against women, men and children. "Hillary is a life-time abuser of women and her advocacy on women issues rings hollow."

    In The Clintons' War On Women, the appalling truth about the Clintons is finally revealed without apology:

    * The details of Bill's rape of 19-year-old Eillen Wellstone, for which he was thrown out of Oxford.
    * Bill's serial sexual assaults on Eileen Wellstone, Juanita Broaddrick , Carolyn Moffet, Liz Ward Gracen, Becky Brown , Helen Dowdy, Paula Jones, Kathy Fergusen, Christy Zercher and Kathleen Willey among dozens of others.
    * Hillary's use of heavy-handed private detectives to collect information on Bill's victims and then silence them with terror tactics.
    * Hillary's strange relationship with top aide Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner's wife.
    * The Clinton's association with convicted pedophile and FOB Jeffrey Epstein.
    * The identities of Clinton Presidential Library's multi-million dollar donors, such as the Sultan of Brunei, a pedophile sultan, who maintains an under-age harem of girls in the country he rules, regimes who oppress women and even a convicted sex criminal.
    * Who is Chelsea Clinton's real father?
    * The adult Chelsea's "Reign of Terror" at the Clinton Foundation, and why co-workers call her greedy, entitled, and abusive.
    * Even more dark family secrets are divulged, such as Bill Clinton's ties to murder, his time in drug rehab, and his illegitimate African American son who he refuses to acknowledge, support or nurture.
    The Clintons' War on Women is the first book to fully document the couple's crimes against women.
    "Hillary's hypocrisy is stunning " states Stone. "The key to defeating Hillary is to prove who she really is to women voters."

    The Clintons' War on Women exposes Hillary Clinton for who she really is, before she can receive the Democratic nomination, and before she can continue to wage war on women as the next Commander-in-Chief. Anyone who cares about the future of the United States will want to read this tell-all.

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