
Out of context: Reply #1184

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  • section_0142

    This has to be the shittiest WWDC keynote yet.

    The watch is stupid. I know one person that has one, and they regret it. I guess that part where if you're dying, they'll know your medical history is cool. But, for all the fitness crap, just get a way less expensive everybody else. Plus, no one wants this shit if you still need your phone! Call me when it's a hologram thing.

    macOS mountain range...whoopty doo! Just what no one wants: Siri on your Mac. OSX (or whatever it is now) is my favorite OS, no question. But, they could have probably just left it out of the presentation.

    ios 10 - Now almost as good as Android M 6.0. "Look Mom you can change all the chat bull crap like you could on Android for years now". Oh stickers too. Holy fuck. So much innovation. I thought they would talk about some project tango type of stuff.

    I'm an Apple fanboy since OS9. I had an iphone since version 1 until earlier this year when I got an Android phone. I gotta say, the hype is Especially on the mobile front. There are phones that are less than half the cost of an iphone, and every bit as good. And Android is better than ios with this latest release. I realize that's my opinion, but it's nicer than I thought it would be.

    • /rantsection_014
    • norant all true.
      after sucking with all the dumb iphones I love my s7edge, and this keynote just strengthens that innovation at Apple is dead
    • Yeah, it was pretty lousy. I no longer use any Apple kit and seeing what they presented was hugely underwhelming - doesn't make me want to return.face_melter
    • so true.fadein11

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