Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #648

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  • SteveJobs2

    Finally saw it. I really, really wanted to just enjoy this film but my mind wouldn't stop wandering. There were some very good parts that seemed to carry the spirit of what Lucas had originally created but unfortunately I have to agree with many of the complaints :(

    A couple random of my own that I haven't seen mentioned:

    first was this just some unused character asset from the prequel trilogy?

    Seemed the most removed from the original SW universe.

    second, darth solo, or whatever his name was was too emo and felt like some CW interpretation of a star wars villain. And that horrible voice. Seriously movies need to stop it with this. Batman and Bane gave us our fill..

    third, i felt too much of what seemed like ridley scott influence with grand supreme leader what'shisface. just didn't feel like star wars to me

    finally, this entire scene here was just horrible and should have been edited out.

    I know, it's silly to complain about a movie like star wars. if most people liked it i guess that's all that matters but i can't help wonder just how much better it could have been with better pacing, editing, and a bit more thought with the story and a few of the characters.

    • yep what I thoughtfadein11
    • anyone who use the word "emo" seems to just be parroting from other internet criticsinteliboy
    • true, inteliboy, however I can't help the word came to mind several times during the movie anymore than any of the other critics could. fair point nonetheless.SteveJobs
    • mother of https://josephmalloz…hans_glib
    • I was ok with Maz Kanata. Star wars always had dumb looking created. Agree on all other points. The villain was awful.CygnusZero4

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