Guardians of the Galaxy

Out of context: Reply #24

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    Most of my friends are saying, "It's the best Marvel movie ever made", and I'm thinking to myself, "So, is it any good?"

    Not trolling. I haven't enjoyed a Marvel movie since the original Punisher, in 1989. Not because it was good, but because I was 9 years old, and 9 year-olds aren't exactly discerning when it comes to film. Maybe some people just grow out of this type of cinema, or maybe I'm just dead inside. Can someone explain to me why this film is good, without comparing it to super-hero movies of the past? Does it hold up on it's own, when compared against all films?

    It's sort of like the Bond movies. I only ever hear people saying it's good "compared to other Bond movies." Nobody seems to praise these things on their own merit. Is it because they aren't objectively good, or is it just the nature of the way we discuss genre films?

    • It's not really a superhero movie, it's a sci-fi action comedy.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Perhaps you simply have no imagination or any child-like wonder left.ETM
    • Or he's very mature and smart..OSFA
    • I like driftmonkey's point. Let me put it this way: Why does everyone love Spiderman but hate Michael Bay? I don't see much difference.nb
    • ...much difference. Except to say that Michael Bay is aware of himself and somewhat self-depricating.nb
    • you are dead inside - its a comedy ffsfadein11

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