Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #87

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  • CygnusZero40

    It doesnt seem like too many ppl think it will be terrible. Abrams is a far better director than Lucas ever was. The guy gets the importance of good dialogue and story. Lucas is a CGI effects nerd, not a great story teller so its just a lock to be better than those prequels, my only concern with him is he just rebooted Star Trek. Was a little concerned this is going to be very similar to those with light sabers, unless he is actively trying to make sure its very different.

    • you keep saying the same thing over and over againmonospaced
    • and btw, star wars basically is star trek with light sabres and a bigger budget, always has beenmonospaced
    • mono, just stfu for a daypinkfloyd
    • you snertpinkfloyd
    • make me? bitch, you are obviously butt-hurt stillmonospaced
    • and why don't you at least contribute instead of singling me out, you little no-talent cunt?monospaced
    • ?pinkfloyd
    • mono keeps repeating himself too! woopsCygnusZero4
    • honestly, when i'm having a bad day, I like to take my shit out on youpinkfloyd
    • now open your mouthpinkfloyd
    • wowmonospaced
    • mono you can be such a bellend - star wars has never been remotely like star trek - idiot!fadein11
    • I guess we can disagree.monospaced
    • but no need to insult memonospaced
    • Abrams is a self confessed star wars nerd...he also confessed he was never into trek. He is makingmarychain
    • A conscious effort to recapture the feeling of the originals. I think he understands the pressure. I am sure these won't look anything like trek..marychain
    • Look anything like trek and be VASTLY superior to the prequels.marychain
    • yupmonospaced

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