Boardwalk Empire

Out of context: Reply #263

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  • sem0

    I think its only a matter of time till Masseria gets taken out. And when that happens there will be a big shift to New York for everyone.

    Capone will want to expand now he has Chicago and reclaim his Brooklyn roots.

    Nucky will be interested in New York as a business move but also in whats going on with Arnold Rothstein and Margret, as they might become involved with each other more.

    How Narcisse and Chalky will play out I don't know, but it could somehow leave Nucky in a position to have dirt on Hoover which again, could give him more power and an upgrade to New York.

    I don't know how Sally, Lucky and Meyer Lansky will come into things.

    But eventually, Al will be the big boss everyone knew him as so there is still his big rise to happen yet.

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