Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • inteliboy0

    It's always the same nerd-friendly directors that are thrown around...

    Abrams Star Wars will be derivative but slick, with set-piece stiched to set-piece with a bunch of good looking Americans fighting CGI monsters. You'll have a good time but feel empty at the end of it.

    Whedon's Star Wars will look boring and lack any sort of imagination, though have really great character work and good looking Americans. You'll walk out smiling, though it wasn't a good movie.

    Zack Snyder's Star Wars will look great though too CGI, and have poor character work, but he'd get the gritty aspects of the Star Wars universe. You'll be unsure on what the hell you just saw, but it was cool.

    Nolan's Star Wars will have a clumsy narrative, but feel epic in scope and have some interesting themes brewing behind the dull action. You'll feel like you've just seen a masterpiece, when it really isn't at all.

    I'd much rather see someone like Paul Greengrass, David O Russell, David Yates etc tackle it... and get Winding Refn or Michael Mann to come in on the last one for the darker epic finale. Not that this would ever happen... or they'd nail it, but it would at least be interesting and not predictable.

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