Lucid Dreaming

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • whereRI0

    I started this just after high school, a friend put me on to it.
    Used to be great, flying, building things, all sorts.
    something happened, not sure what though, and now it happens all the time in a negative way. Night terrors where I cant wake up even though I know Im dreaming. Sleep paralysis sucks. you lie there trying not to slip back into the horrible dream you were having but you cant move and it slowly sucks you back in. you can sometimes get your eyes open and you try move your mouth to wake someone up next to you so they can wake you up but you cant.

    the only thing i found to wake up from the lucid dream is to shake my head from side to side as hard as i can. Always feels like im doin it in some thick jelly or something. that slowly brings me out the dream and wakes my body up. then i have to move around a bit so i dont just slip back into it

    • I have experienced the same thing in the past, w shaking head too!Miguex
    • Glad I'm not the only one having negative experiences (few posts up)Peter

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