LinkedIn for Creatives

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 35 Responses
  • Miguex0

    Linkedin is completely pointless, no one is ever there, you get forced to open the account once a month to try to figure out how can you make linkedin to stop spamming you with useless emails about who gave you a recommendation. You spend a couple of minutes on it, and you realized you ticked every single box that says "never contact me again' you curse at the linkedin corporation and you go to the kitchen to get a glass of whiskey (neat) to calm down and not punch the work computer.

    Bejance however, is amazing. I'm on pretty much every network a freelance artist can use, except deviant art. and the only one that got me work was bejance (maybe flickr)

    • before I posted I judged your spelling of bejance until I had to change minewhatthefunk
    • hahaha 'they' don't like that name hereMiguex
    • I just fell slightly more in love with you.canoe

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