Flash - displaying alternative content on ios...

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • monolith0

    You can always sniff it like this:

    by using userAgent (not really best way):

    var is_iOS = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad... ? true : false );

    or you can do it like this (better way):
    var is_iOS = false,
    _platform = navigator.platform;

    if( _platform === 'iPad' || _platform === 'iPhone' || _platform === 'iPod' ){
    is_iOS = true;
    // redirect or call non-flash stuff here

    and you can check for version like this:

    var iOSversion = false,
    _window = window,
    _platform = navigator.platform;

    if( _platform === 'iPad' || _platform === 'iPhone' || _platform === 'iPod' ){
    !!_window.history && !!_window.history.pushState ? iOSversion = '4+' : iOSversion = '4-';
    !!_window.matchMedia ? iOSversion = '5+' : '';

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