Apple Wins $1 Billion Patent Case

Out of context: Reply #98

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  • monolith0

    ^^ stupid ass article. But I read a few from these imbeciles who are happy Apple won and want so bad Android to be destroyed.

    Here's a newsflash.. The war is over. Android won. It's at 68% worldwide marketshare right now, Apple's marketshare in China got split and now Lenovo is whooping their ass over there. Samsung is whooping their ass all over the world and in US and tablets are also catching up big time.

    Even if the verdict stands as it is, it's meaningless. These are all old news things that Samsung has already redesigned in the latest iterations of phones and Google completely revamped Android to bypass all of these. The only thing this ruling can cause is that more and more Android manufacturers will switch to pure Google experience which is really actually very good.

    If I were Apple and these Apple douchebag bloggers, I'd worry more about whether or not Apple will lose the new patent trial against Google where Google has filed for a ban of all iphones, ipads and even macs for infringing 7 non-standards essential patents.

    If Apple loses just one, it's buh bye considering 80% of their revenue is from iPhone and iPad.

    • It won't be bye bye. They'll simply pay a royalty per unit sold.ETM
    • Possibly retro-active,ETM

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