Apple Wins $1 Billion Patent Case

Out of context: Reply #75

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  • ernexbcn0

    @ETM on the Xerox deal:

    "But here’s the most important fact: Nothing was “stolen.”
    Whatever Apple got from those three days was bought and paid for as part of a fair, legal, above-the-table business deal between Xerox and Apple.

    At the time, Apple was still a year away from its IPO. Everybody wanted in. Apple was the hottest of hot companies. So Xerox and Apple made a deal: Apple would be granted 3 days of access to PARC in exchange for Xerox being allowed to buy 100,000 shares of Apple stock for $10 per share.

    Apple went public a year later, and the value of that stock had grown to $17.6 million. Xerox paid a million for the shares, so essentially Apple paid Xerox $16.6 million for showing its research to Jobs and his team."…

    • Did I say steal? Don't put words in my mouth to justify your argument.ETM
    • But Apple DIDN'T CREATE the GUI OS. But often insinuate they did and MS stole the whole concept from them.ETM
    • MS copied bringing it to regular consumers, but didn't copy the concept.ETM
    • That is a HUGE distinction.ETM
    • I think he was quoting the article2002
    • The point is that apple paid to look at the design cues and use it.2002
    • That's a point? Point to what? Nothing I said. I only said all GUI OS' herald back to PARC.ETM
    • It's come to point that to make yours, you are twisting mine. So I digress at this stage.ETM
    • Loser!!!!!!2002
    • Well played, sir. Well played, indeed.ETM
    • that article total bullshit.. they bribed executives of Xerox to give them a demo and have Apple engineers rip everything off. Leave to Apple cult fansite to come out with "truth".monolith
    • off. Leave to Apple cult fansite to come out with "truth". Adele Goldberg warned everyone that Apple will steal everything. The executives told her to just do it.monolith

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