Need a new phone... Any suggestions?

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • fyoucher10

    As far as I know, AT&T doesn't "make" you have a data plan for a smart phone. If you want to get a subsidized phone, then you need a contract with a plan. Just get phone and texts and get a used iPhone. Use WiFi when you want to access the internet.

    Get an iphone. Period. Easy as shit to work with for texting, especially with Siri when you're driving (Siri is shit for anything else).

    They have tons of deals for older iPhones or just get a used one without a contract. Hell, I have an older 3GS that I'm not using that I'll sell to you for $100.

    • sprint does, all smartphone owners are subject to the data package
    • You would be incorrect. If you have a smartphone, you must get a data plan with almost any major carrier, AT&T included.ArtOrDie

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