SSD + Creative Workflow =?

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  • lobstarr0

    Two SSD's in RAID0.

    Although still quite expensive (relative, 1$ < 1gb), Its probably the best thing you could upgrade for performance gains than any other component on your mac/pc right now, ESPECIALLY for Adobe Suite. Editing big ass files or multiple (MULTIPLE) layers is super fast.

    Although, when I got them (2-3 years ago), there was still alot of user upkeep to update their bios/firmware so that the drive would essentially function properly. I haven't done much research with the current SSD's, but it seems they have improved alot where you don't even have to worry about them, but a little google research will assure you that this isnt something that has been improved upon.

    Regardless, if you are on mac, there are alot of youtube tutorials on installing ssds for your imac.

    Always keep backups, regardless of the storage tech you use!

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