
Out of context: Reply #44

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  • Jaline0

    @Continuity, I'm not sure I would do it for any kid. But at the same time, while there are risks, I don't see it affecting people in the abysmal way that you make it sound either. Do you care about piercing a baby's ear? It's not exactly the same thing, but the idea of a parent controlling a baby's body in some fashion and risking infection is there too.

    (I'm 100% OK with ear piercings, to be clear, but I'm not making up my mind about a baby's circumcision until that time comes).

    As the environment changes, so will the people within it. Now it looks like there are less people doing it, but maybe something else will come up in 20 years where the chart will peak up again.

    •'s not ruining any livesmonospaced
    • No, I'm not in favour of piercing a baby's ear, either.Continuity
    • while tacky as fuck piercing a baby's ear is a bit different from genital mutilation.ThePublics
    • It's not, insofar as that something is being done an infant's body they have no say in.Continuity
    • i dont think it can be considered "mutilation" when everything works perfectly once healedyeeblazer

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