NY Post blocks web access for iPad users

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  • Boz0

    It's not going to shut down internet ukit.. I'm raising points that many are already seeing happening. Apple's interest lies in closed up platform, ultimate control and the way you can consume the content and apps. It works FANTASTICALLY for them on iOS and they are trying to replicate that system completely to OSX.

    Your example of Facebook HTML5 and Financial Times are just proof that some people are fighting Apple's approach. And thank god for that.. but I don't know if it's going to be enough.

    Facebook and Financial Times with HTML5 (which btw runs absolutely HORRIBLE) I tried it, is most likely be more counter productive in rasing the point then helpful.

    That's why I think doing like Flash/HTML5 combo for tablets will be the ultimate solution for tablets but since Apple has a non-neglible influence on the market now the whole thing is a clusterfuck and the easiest way to really publish is in effect Apple's closed platform.

    I personally don't think Facebook HTML5 doesn't mean squat in the overall scheme of things. It's a social network and has really nothing to do with publishing nor media content in general. It it trying to boost creation of apps but how successful will it be is completely different question because HTML5 just doesn't work well yet and requires a shit load of compromises.

    Another thing with Facebook is that people don't want to give them again control. People want open market and to control their own products and services and not depend on Facebook or Apple of whatever..

    This whole open web initiative has created a mess that there is not solution to.

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