Healthy Confrontations

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • detritus0

    There's a type here in Britain, probably all over the Anglo Saxon world too — conservative, middle class, staid.

    The type that.. convinced the country's going to hell in a handbasket.
    ..whinges about youth.
    ..whinges about foreign or different types.
    ..whinges about how their tax is abused.


    Who, nonetheless..

    ..does their utmost to avoid paying their share of tax.
    ..won't look foreigners in the eye.
    ..won't stand up to kids, or tell people off for little thing (litter,
    swearing.. all the menial decencies in a civilisation)
    ..won't interact, or try—just moan.

    These are the people who are fucking up our country.
    Not the kids. Not the foreigners, or any of the other subjects of these Types' ire.

    These are the ones we must confront, so that they doo too in turn.

    • These are the people who “are going to leave the UK, as it's all gone to shit”. fucking cowards.detritus
    • Yep, the spineless.set
    • doo too!detritus
    • I wish they wold but no- they won't get benefits if they leave innit bruvProjectile

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