Studios & Pets

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • kona0

    ^ seeessess. a long time ago i worked for an agency in this fantastic old loft building. we were all well aware that there was a mouse/rat problem.

    one day i went out and bought lunch and brought it back to the office. i was eating my burger and a piece dropped onto my lap and bounced down onto the floor. i was like 'meh' i'll get it after a few more bites. so i finish my burger and reach down to get it when i notice... it's gone. lol. from that moment on i tight-rolled my jeans while at work. some ballsy fuckin mouse or rat came out and grabbed the fucker WHILE i was sitting at my desk eating, inches from crawling up my pant leg and nibbling on my bean bag. fuck office mice and office rats.

    • hehe, "nice" story :) Always worries me a touch about crawling up my leg too. Might take my two cats to work.seeessess

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