QBN = Internet Mediators?

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • jfletcher0

    I'll give a real response to follow up on my post... which will probably be laughed at, but I don't care.

    When we can all get behind things like the Transfatty stuff.... where we can make a difference, and actually do something for maybe not just one person, but many people... that's pretty f'n cool.

    But then I'll go to pic-o-the-day and see this:

    ...and I think, "I could just as easily put a pic of transfatty there" (despite the fact that he's not alone). We're cruel to one person we don't know, while helping another one we do. I'd rather see us try to do something good than spend 95% of our time being assholes or useless, and 5% of our time actually being really useful.

    From time to time we actually do give good crits of peoples work, but most of the time, we laugh at them, or give stupid comments. We could be a great design community, but instead we often squander it laughing at people who don't spend hours online making sure they know the latest internet memes.

    • This is what I'm getting at; we (most) choose mediocrity over substance...ideaist
    • Is is simply that most people never evolve past the mentality of a high school student?ideaist
    • Does the anonymity of it allow each of us to be whatever we feel like at the moment?ideaist

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