laptop bag/pack

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Peter0

    Yeah, I see where you're getting at with backpacks.
    The Eastpaks way up there didn't really help.

    Sure, there are times that values backpacks, such as if you're skiing or snowboarding and want to haul some gear. But not in the city. That's just wrong.

    There should be a ban on those things.

    I agree, some seasoned photographers go low key. Especially IF they are in environments that demands it. A jungle, or in the middle of Iraq. If they're also journalists or otherwise reporting you have to make that distinction too. But low key doesn't mean a nylon pack. Even that low key canvas bag that there goes through the sands of Iraq would probably have gone for a bit more than 50$.
    If not leather I do believe they opt for a rough canvas. Whatever lasts. Not the cheap looking bag with cheap quality and build.

    Speaking of...
    Other seasoned photographers, the seasonally seasoned ones, could have a crew that carry their equipment. Or at least a car. And carry it all in cases lined with steel and foam compartment padding, or something made for their equipment. Whatever the case: no one of those photographers are succumbing to the backpack, I can assure you.

    Not to're not comparing your laptop needs with that of a rugged photographer, are you know?
    One equipment would last quite a few days, where as one would require an electric outlet within a few hours.

    Anyways, I think I've made my point. 2000$ equipment being hurled in $50 bags. I see it ever so often. And I almost weep every time.

    I leave on the note that leather can be low key too. But mostly my claim is that it will last. Quality for your quality pieces that deserves it, that's where I am getting at. No matter how much one might argue that it differs from what others do, wear or carry their stuff in.

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