United Postal branding

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • 19 Responses
  • dMullins0

    Fun project. Two thumbs up. Some thoughts below...

    System: I think the piece demonstrates a good understanding of creating and applying a controlled branding system, down to the clothing and signage. Were this a real re-design for USPS, I believe the colors would be rejected outright. They would surely prefer to stick to the deep blue and hot red they've used since 1837 (more vibrant, less faded/retro). I would have liked to see the cards and letterhead used in a more practical way that would actually play out in the real world. Everyone would have the same card backs, and I don't think the space you allowed on the cards would work for longer addresses.

    Concept: I don't understand the use of the retro/50's chic look, because it doesn't fit the brand timeline at all: http://www.usps.com/communicatio…

    Design: The new bird design would not pass the first design amends round with the client, as it looks more like a cartoon duck than a bald eagle. The prices folder, packing tape, stamps and paper character designs are my favorites. I don't think the uniform would fly because it's too casual for a service/labor position. Also, those shoes would be horrible to walk in for an 8-hour day.

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