Lumix GF1 vs Oly EP-1

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Nooooo way lukus!! Awesome!! You're welcome dude! :)

    You got a DSLR too?
    Be sure to check out the firmware hack, it enables full manual control in video, without it it's a nightmare to get good footage without that choppy effect becuase it defaults to wide open aperture, which means high shutter speed. With the firmware hack though it produces some very nice video!

    Thanks to the great hardware of the gf1 you can even increase the bitrate of the video to 33mbps, which does look a bit better.

    Also the other panasonic lenses are all good, really good for the money. The 14-45mm is better than the newer 14-42mm though.

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