Which would you choose?

Out of context: Reply #62

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Think number 3 firstly, im now starting to think that number 7 (chocolate bar immortality), or number 8 (van that could go anywhere in a second).

    probably 7.

    being immortal to the age of 160 would be awesome. Id just take a camera and walk around the world. imagine that. how fun that would be. just climb everest, wonder across the world, never having to eat or worry about getting cold. could do it with 11 mates too!

    but then tat van would be amazing. imagine spending the days on a beach in mauritius, or going for some sushi in tokyo for dinner. seeing all the greatest sights in the world. watching African flood plains get flooded and seeing all the animals come back in mass migrations.

    but then someone could steal the van...the chocolate (once eaten) is full safe.


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